Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Theology Must Become Life

I absolutely believe in the power of God to bring about healing. I have seen and been a part of too many miracles not to believe that God can and does heal miraculously. I also believe it to be a tremendous blessing to live in a land that has the technological advances that we have medically in this country. On top of that there are a bunch of things that are under our control and that we must take personal responsibility for. The balancing act for us human beings is to apply our core beliefs to the real, present tense situations that occur in our day to day lives.

If we need to have a bad tooth extracted, as I had to have done lately, then prayer and faith declarations may not get the results we need. If blood pressure is elevated and staying there, as I have seen in recent weeks, poor diet and neglecting to exercise must be owned and corrected. Faith can overcome fatigue, but overcoming weariness is not the same as health. Sometimes the answer is rest not a pill or an elixir. When the doctors come in scratching their heads and saying we cannot diagnose the problem, we had better know something about prayer and faith then.

I suppose the real test is knowing what to apply to the thing that is in our faces. It's a bit hypocritical to pray for healing and continue to abuse ourselves by eating what we know we shouldn't and never getting off the couch to move around. It's not logical for us to take pill after pill when we know what we really need is to find some relief from the stress we are continuously exposed to. When a spiritual attack is levied at us we can empty the pharmacy and we won't see results until we pray with authority and move the evil spiritual influence out of our lives.

God is good and God works through a variety of resources. We are meant to experience abundant life. Physical, mental, emotional, financial and relational health are all a part of that blessing. Let's trust God for divine blessing. Let's thank Him for the gift of medical care that's available when we need it. Let's make good lifestyle decisions. Let's be good to those we are in relationship with. Let's enjoy our material blessings within the range of our own means. Let's not ignore our need for mental and emotional restoration. We can overcome a bunch of things by faith, but living in a way that is healthy and whole is better. WORK IT OUT!