Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Jesus constantly used illustrations that are easy for us to grasp. He spoke of life itself in terms of a major trip. He advised us to "Go in through the narrow gate, because the gate to hell is wide and the road that leads to it is easy, and there are many who travel it. But the gate that leads to life is narrow and the way that leads to it is hard, and there are few people who find it." (Matthew 7:13,14 GNB) When we take a look at our lives and we are traveling the road that is crowded, we need to do something to change our course. If the path that we have chosen is easy, than we are again likely to be heading in a direction we really don't want to go. If the entrance to the road is so broad that is does not challenge us at all, the road connected to that entrance is not good. The broad, unrestricted, crowded road of ease is the road to hell. It's disturbing that in our day many roads prescribed by our churches meet the qualifications of a destructive journey. Don't take comfort in a church affiliation. Examine your own life to see if you are traveling on a road that has a tightly restricted entrance, followed by a path that is lonely and narrow. To put it simply, the road to life is receiving Jesus Christ and following everywhere He leads. We don't even hear much about heaven and hell anymore. Jesus Christ talked about it often. We are all going to heaven, or to hell. The road we are traveling now is leading to one of those two eternal places. It takes more than just dying to go to heaven. It takes traveling on the narrow road while we live. Are you on the right road? Work it out!

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