We can gain quite a bit of insight from what we read in the Bible. The ultimate test of truth in any arena of life is the written Word of God. There are many things that we can pick up from observing other people. It is undoubtedly valid that persons further down the road of experience than we, can teach us without even knowing they are doing so. I have learned a ton from just simply watching people that I admire. Having said those things, there is a greater reality in terms of our knowing God which cannot be picked up in either of the ways I have mentioned above. Mental knowledge and experience in spiritual things are not the same. Our bodies are literally temples of the Holy Spirit. To put it another way, God dwells inside of us and He can be personally known. The first step in this practical, actual, experiential relationship with God is faith. We must really believe that when Jesus said the Holy Spirit would dwell in us that He was talking about something real. God made the universe and He is all around us; but He also is a Spirit that has chosen to make His home inside of us. If we cannot cling to that reality by faith, as true as it is, we will never experience the power of it. The next step is simply becoming familiar with Him. He is relational. He can be grieved by our poor, ungodly behavior. He can be quenched by our reluctance to yield to His lead. He can also be intimately known as we take the time to sense and understand Him. There is not a friend, or loved one in your life that you did not have to take the time to grow relationally with. The Spirit of God must be learned through the development of a relationship. When you read the Word listen to hear what the Spirit wants to emphasize. When you pray and pour out all your requests, take some time to listen and see if the Spirit has something to say to you. He is the Great Revealer. His assignment is to lead us. How can that happen if He is not personally known? Believe He is there deep within you. Take the time to become acquainted with Him. You will be glad you did.
Work It Out!
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