Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What is the goal of the Gospel?

It is good to ask basic questions every now and then. Why do we do the things we do? What do we expect from our involvement in Christian service? What does our commitment really mean? These all flow out of the primary question, what did Jesus have in mind when He left us His Gospel message? Is it just salvation from hell? Does it just motivate us to refrain from the most hideous sins? Is it just about inspiration to live a better life? Although there are traces of all these things in what Jesus taught, they fall short of the goal He had in mind. The message of Jesus Christ is really a world changing message. Selfishness is replaced with selflessness. I wonder if we really understand that part of His call in our day? Compassion for those in unfortunate positions was also central to what He modeled during His life. Is caring for others even on our radar these days? Jesus was never looking to establish Church memberships. He wanted to see people fully committed to following His way of life. Just as He spoke to Peter and Andrew on the sea shore in ancient times, the goal of the Gospel is still wrapped up in these words of Jesus, "Follow me." When we do that it will change our lives and the lives of everyone that is under our influence.

Work It Out!

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