Wednesday, December 14, 2011


The thing that brings people together and keeps us there is a common core value system. If the values are not the same it's tough to have unity even in the family setting. There must be values that are elevated and accepted as the ruling ideals of the group. To even get out of the starting blocks it must be acknowledged that we are better off together than in isolation. Togetherness makes deep sorrows a little easier to bear. Togetherness makes the joys of life sweeter still. There is a power to get more accomplished when there is togetherness. We spend so much time pinpointing everything that divides us from one another. If we would just spend some time looking for common ground we could dramatically change our situations in a positive way. When something is valuable down in the very core of you, it is not easily changed. This is not about being something that you are not. It's about finding values that can be shared. There are people that value the same things that you value. Likewise, everything you value does not have to be the basis for a fight. The simple truth is we do better together. Have a great day finding something to share with somebody close to you!

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