Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Systematic Improvement

We do not become our best by accident. If we are looking to improve our lot in life we must build ways to make that happen. Our prayer lives improve when we build in systematic disciplines of praying. That does not eliminate spontaneous praying, but that is even strengthened because we have set times that prayer is offered. Our growth in knowledge will only come as we have built in times of learning. Books and knowledgable people can be effective instruments, but time needs to be systematically given. It would be foolish for us to think we can go from zero to 10 miles or 100 push ups. We can systematically grow from 1 mile and increase our push ups in sets of ten. We won't go from owing everyone in town to living debt free overnight. However we can get there systematically paying off one bill at a time. Neither spiritual, mental, financial or physical fitness just happen. We will improve based on the systems that we build in our lives. No systems will mean very little improvement. Have a great day building a plan for a better you!

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