Monday, April 23, 2012

I Am Healed Monday

A persistent pursuit is an important element in seeing the healing power of God manifest. The woman that had the issue of blood spent a bunch of money on doctors, but she didn't stop there. She believed that Jesus could do something about her illness, but she didn't stop there. She determined to touch the hem of his garment, but she didn't stop with a mental determination. She had to press through crowds of people, in her sick condition, but still she pursued Him. She finally gets to where He was and touched His clothes. Upon her touch of the border of His robe she was instantly made well. It's hard to recount this lady's story without seeing the persistence she demonstrated. This was a woman that made up her mind that she was going to do everything necessary to get well. I submit that it is easier for us to access the healing favor of God than it was for this woman. We have the written word of God with multiplied promises. We have the Holy Spirit living right inside of us. We have a resurrected savior who has a track record of healing the sick. The question is do we have the constitution to persistently pursue what we need from God? We don't have to pry things out of the hand of God. God is a giver. We do have our own doubts to overcome. We do have a world of skepticism to press past. We do have other things that battle us for prioritized supremacy. God works through our faith. I'm discovering that a true place of faith is a much more difficult thing to arrive at then we sometimes think. When we really believe there is something that clicks inside of us, like it did for this woman, that refuses to be denied. Have a great day determining to pray on until the answer comes.

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