Thursday, April 12, 2012

Unpleasant Realities

We would all prefer to operate in life on a high plane. Skipping from mountain peak to mountain peak would be a wonderful thing. In truth however, we have some unpleasant places we want to avoid where things need to be addressed. Pretending that unpleasant situations are not there will not make them go away. Trying to ignore things that may be temporarily painful only tends to make those matters grow worse. It's sometimes a good practice to put the very things we want to do the least at the top of our to do list. There is always time and energy for whatever is first. If your weight is out of line ignoring it won't bring it in line. Address it! If a relationship is fractured because of an offense you caused, sweeping the offense under the rug won't fix it. Address it! If your spending is out of control trying to maintain an image that these economic times can't support, continuing to spend won't help. Address it! When we stuff enough things in our closets eventually the stuff will spill out. Don't wait until your closet overflows embarrassing you and those around you. Have a great day addressing an issue!

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