Friday, December 16, 2011
Fresh Eyes
Every now and then it's a good idea to look at the things in our lives as if we were seeing them for the first time. Walk around the house like a perspective buyer. What kind of corrections need to be made? Look at the job performance you render as if you were a consultant. What types of things would you advise a person to do differently if they performed like you? Look at the way you treat your friends and family. If you were a stranger observing your behavior with them, what would you see that could improve? It is so easy to get locked in to mediocrity. We can begin to think things will always be as they are. It has been said whether we believe things can improve or never will, either way we will be right. There is always room for positive change. One of the first steps toward that end is to take a look at things with fresh eyes. Have a great day really seeing what you've been looking at for a long time!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Commitment and Compromise
The evaluation of our setting is a necessary and difficult exercise. Values that are deeply held will sometimes find places of conflict with the values of others. When value systems are at odds with each other there are two basic options. One can either stand true to the values held at all cost, or one can compromise. Although compromise is sometimes demanded for the sake of relational progress, every time a compromise is made concerning a core value a little piece of who we really are is lost. None of us can afford to give in to the degree that we become another person. When compromise is called for too often it's time to ask some difficult questions. Do I really belong in this setting? Would my skills and convictions work better somewhere else? Am I really being true to myself in this current environment? Could somebody else be a better fit for this assignment than I am? These are hard questions, especially in these times of limited opportunities, but they must be asked and honestly answered. Everybody does not fit everywhere. Every assignment is not a lifetime assignment. We all get our feathers ruffled at times in any setting. However, when we are operating from a place of continual compromise our integrity is skewed. Look at how much you function from commitment and how much you function from compromise. That ratio could be telling you something needs to change.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
The thing that brings people together and keeps us there is a common core value system. If the values are not the same it's tough to have unity even in the family setting. There must be values that are elevated and accepted as the ruling ideals of the group. To even get out of the starting blocks it must be acknowledged that we are better off together than in isolation. Togetherness makes deep sorrows a little easier to bear. Togetherness makes the joys of life sweeter still. There is a power to get more accomplished when there is togetherness. We spend so much time pinpointing everything that divides us from one another. If we would just spend some time looking for common ground we could dramatically change our situations in a positive way. When something is valuable down in the very core of you, it is not easily changed. This is not about being something that you are not. It's about finding values that can be shared. There are people that value the same things that you value. Likewise, everything you value does not have to be the basis for a fight. The simple truth is we do better together. Have a great day finding something to share with somebody close to you!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
We have already talked about the importance of questions in helping those we lead. Now I would like to suggest a few questions that may serve that purpose. A friend of mine asked me “what is going on in your life right now that can be celebrated?” That question helped me see I had allowed myself to degenerate into a negative place. That negativity was contaminating everything I was doing. That simple shift toward a positive outlook changed everything for me from that day to this one, and I have been much more productive. For others the questions can be just as simple. What are you good at? What are you passionate about? What things have you been involved in that were surprise successes? What has your history shown you about yourself? What types of opportunities are there that seem to present themselves to you repeatedly? What resources do you need to be more effective? Who could come beside you to help you reach your goals? These are a sampling of questions that may help people in your circle of influence. Have a great day asking and watching the light come on in the eyes of your friends.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Making The Switch
There is a famous saying that could be slightly adjusted. We have been told if at first you don’t succeed try, try again. That is a good challenge to be persistent. We cannot give up because things do not immediately slide into the realms of success. However, we can take that too far and simply spend way too much time barking up the wrong tree. Some of us have a tenacious grip on some things that just are not going to work. It can be equally true that if we are not seeing success it’s time to try something else. There is no profit in clinging to a thing that is dead. Ineffective effort can also be switched to a thing that could bring more positive results. We know that there is only so much time, talent and treasure to use in a lifetime. None of us can afford to waste what we have been given because of some sort of martyr complex. Our lives were designed by the Lord be fruitful. If we are not bearing fruit it could simply mean we are occupied with the wrong things. We cannot be afraid to try new things. Have a great day taking a small step toward what is next.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Freedom represents the potential to be. Freedom is not a guarantee to be. We have to be careful not to think our freedom causes things to fall into our laps from never never land. I have always told my kids that increased freedom increases responsibility. Good choices and habits as well as bad choices and habits are all wrapped up in that powerful word freedom. Obviously, the freedoms that we have in America do not guarantee success. Putting on paper our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness does not make it a reality in every case. We have on a higher level been granted great freedoms from our Lord and King. One such promise is "He whom the Son sets free is free indeed." God's word is absolutely true and yet we see many people in our churches that still experience bondage. For freedom to come out of the realm of theory and into the world of reality it must be embraced and operated in. Have a great day seizing an opportunity, no matter how small, to walk in your freedom!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
People Are Designed To Have Power Over Things
Things were never meant to have power over people. God created everything there is and then created mankind. He instructed people to exercise dominion over everything else. We were made to be in the driver's seat. Our status comes from the fact that we are God's crowning work. We are, according to His own statement, the apple of His eye. What kind of house we live in does not raise or lower our value. What kind of car we drive does not do anything to change our standing. What type of clothing we wear is an irrelevant factor. It's advertising and warped perceptions that drive that kind of thinking. That kind of thinking then puts us in a weakened position were things actually gain more power than they were ever meant to have. We actually have the ability to be content in whatever state we find ourselves in materially. It is part of the authority we have been endowed with by our creator. Do not let the pressure to acquire things twist your mind into believing you are either more or less than who you are. When God looked at us after making us with His own hands He said we were very good. Have a great day enjoying your power over things!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Check On It!
It's not what we expect but what we check that gets done properly. Another lesson I have had the misfortune of learning the hard way. Many people are not concerned about doing things just because they are supposed to. If you are from my generation you may be familiar with a time when doing things the right way for the right reasons was much more common. It was just ingrained in us by our parents. We knew that if our hands were caught in the cookie jar there would be consequences that would not be pleasant in the least. As a result of the clear boundaries we had, we knew doing the things we were supposed to do was the best option for us. That ideal translated to school work, job performance, community conduct and virtually every area of our lives. Well, those days are gone. If something is important to you and is being done by others, you better build into it a regular system of evaluation. In today's climate once folk get the idea that they are not being monitored the quality of their work tends to go way down. Restaurants, schools, retail stores, community groups and churches have all fallen victim to this new mindset. Folk seem to be content with doing as little as they can and getting away with as much as they can. We must do more than expect quality. If we do not inspect for quality we will not likely find it in the final outcome. Have a great day checking on it!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Team Work!
A necessary question to ask is do the others on the team buy into the choice to do a particular thing? When the desire to accomplish something involves others, it needs to be owned by those participants. No matter how wonderful the idea is, if it is not appreciated by team mates it will be ineffectual. Unfortunately, I can speak on this with some experience. Your team must also become excited enough to participate to get things done. An idea will remain in the realm of good intentions until there are enough helpers that buy into what needs to be done. Until the team understands and values the dream it will never come out of dreamland. Ask God to teach you how to develop a winning team. It is not easy, but it is necessary to build anything great. We multiply our impact by the number of people we really have on our team. I'm not talking about the people who say they are on board. It is the folk who are really on board that are extremely valuable. We need to know who those people are and learn how to best work with them. Have a great day looking for, or working with your team mates
Friday, October 7, 2011
Is It Right?
Decision making is the element in life that can cause many people to live in constant misery. There are some simple things that we can do to make better choices in life. The most basic thing that will guide us to higher ground is to consider what's right. Before we think about what we want. Before we think about who will be affected. Before we worry about what is acceptable to others that will evaluate our choice. We need to ask is this thing I'm considering right? Is it right according to God's Word? Is it right according to the values that have been established in my heart by the working of the Holy Spirit? Is it right according to the promptings that are at work in my conscience? Is it consistent with the things that I have been taught by godly individuals that are close to me? If you are at the crossroads of an important decision and you know that one side of the choice violates what you know to be right, chose to go in the other direction. Making a firm determination to do what is right will change lives dramatically over time. Have a great day choosing well!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Practical Victory
God has done a mighty work in us, but that is no reason for us to become lazy or reckless. We are responsible to cooperate with God and it is the only way we will have experiential victory. The war has already been won at Calvary. Jesus is victorious and that victory is ours by our inheritance in Him. However, we must exercise our faith in Him to win our battles. We must discipline our lives according to His Word to see our victories. We need fellowship with like minded brothers and sisters to continue in our winning ways. Then of course, the Fulness of the Holy Spirit is available to empower us for overcoming obstacles. Grace is not for disgrace. We should never take for granted the powerful, costly, wonderful work of Christ. His death, burial and resurrection has made abundant life possible. All we have to do is believe and execute our part. Here is how the Word describes it. (Philippians 2:12,13) "So then, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure." We win, but we need to work out what God has worked in. Have a great day cooperating with the King of kings!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Wise, Righteous & Free
Why do we keep trying to complete the work that Jesus has already finished? Trying to get wise is so different to walking in wisdom. We do not have to complete a wisdom work because Jesus Christ is our wisdom through the cross. By the power of the Word and the Holy Spirit we already have all the wisdom we need to deal with the complexities of life. All we have to do is use it. Trying to become righteous is so different to knowing we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. The Heavenly Father sees us as righteous because of the blood that Jesus shed. We have nothing to prove to anyone. The highest court in heaven has already been satisfied. We just let the righteous nature that God has put in us grow until our behavior catches up with our position. Then we keep trying to work for, or pay off our ransom. Jesus Christ is our redemption. He has paid the price in full by His precious blood. We are free. We are not trying to escape. We are not trying to work off a debt to our old slave owner, the devil. We are liberated whether we feel like it, or not. Our enjoyment of freedom is just hindered when we think we still owe something. The Bible says what I have been trying to say like this, "But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:" (1 Corinthians 1:30) Have a great day just living out who you are in Christ!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Sometimes When It Seems You Lose, You Win!
In a negotiation sometimes it looks like a loss when it is really a win. Some of you are familiar with the account of two women fighting over a child in Solomon's kingdom. They brought the matter to Solomon. Solomon to test the true love of these women for the baby suggested that they saw the child in two and each take half. The mother of the baby said oh no, let the other woman have the baby rather than having the child destroyed. She could have fought as the other woman did to get half of a dead child. By refusing to fight, she not only saw the baby spared, she also revealed her loving heart to Solomon. He instantly knew that she was the true mother. Seeing her love for the baby she received permission from the king to take the child home. When we belong to God we do not have to negotiate ourselves to winning positions as the world does. The world is always looking at things in terms of winners and losers. In Christ we are already winners and He fights our battles for us. We do not have to kick doors down. We do not have to pry things out of somebody else's hands. We do not have to hurt others to help ourselves. We just rest in the arms of our loving Lord. As we travel the path of righteousness all of our blessings are on the path. Have a great day victorious one!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Suffering Well
There is a part of this life of faith that we don't like to talk about. Paul called it "...the fellowship of his sufferings." Most of us want to function in the power of his resurrection, which is the first part of that verse, but we repel every form of suffering. There was no resurrection for Jesus without the suffering of the cross. There will be no knowledge of him in resurrection power apart from our suffering some things. We fight the good fight of faith by believing for the very best from God. We also fight the fight of faith by enduring and overcoming various forms of suffering. We have to know during our sufferings that God is love. We have to know in those times that God is working all things together for our good. We have to trust Him for the help we need to keep our attitudes in check. We have to have enough faith to wait on Him until the change comes. We cannot allow suffering to steal portions of our redemption blessing package. We can remain in love, joy and peace even while we are long-suffering. All these things are part of the spiritual fruit cluster that we have. They can operate simultaneously if we do not slump into despair. Faith in God helps us to suffer well. Have a great day enduring whatever you must.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Do We Really Walk By Faith, Or Sight?
When faith is in it's purest form it does not matter what our circumstances are. We are not living according to what we currently see. We are living based upon what we believe. We have to shake off the doubts that our reality wants to limit us to. God created everything that is around us out of nothing. All of creation sprung forth by the repeated phrase in Genesis "and God said." Faith sees what the eyes do not yet see. Faith stands on what God has said when there is no physical evidence. Faith will not shrink in the face of delay or contrary forces of any kind. Faith is not hindered because there is not enough money. Faith is not deterred because the doctor brings bad news. Faith will not stop because a situation is stubborn. If God said that it is so, than even when it seems not to be so, it is so! Whatever your situation is, grab a Word from God that applies directly to it. Meditate on that Word until begins to burn in your heart. Speak the Word to the situation with the authority that has already been given to us as believers. Keep on speaking it in faith until the situation moves. When we go by what we believe instead of by what we see than that faith will change what we see into what we have believed. Have a great faith filled day!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
God Is!
One song that has been strong inspiration to me from way back in the 70s to this present day is "GOD IS." I love that song because it is a declaration of present tense faith. The Bible says "NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for..." We take away part of our most powerful asset when we think of God only based on the mighty things He has done in the scriptures we read. He delivered Daniel from the lion's den etc... We also make the mistake of only forecasting what we believe God will do in the future. He is going to send a great revival. He is going to do miracles among us etc... God is neither a has been, nor a wanabee. HE IS! God is my refuge and my strength. God is my provider. God is my peace. God is my help. God is my healer. God is my joy. God is my hope. God is my door opener. "In the words of the song I mentioned earlier, "God is my all in all." Dear ones, look for the power of God in your right now situations. He is there waiting for you and I to trust Him. Have a great day leaning on His greatness which is constant.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Personal Responsibility
Have you noticed we are in a blame everyone else for my troubles kind of world? It seems that it is always somebody else that is blocking, or stopping the progress we say we want. It is long past time to get off the blame train. We have got to own where we are and take responsibility for where we are going. I don't have the money. I don't have the authority. I don't have the opportunity. I don't have the connections. These and many more things are tired excuses. What we have is better than money, authority, opportunity or connections. We have access to the God who made the universe. He placed some competencies inside of you. He made you with a definite purpose in mind. His wisdom will open up a way for you. He still leads and guides into all truth. He opens doors that nobody can close. He prepares tables for you when there are enemies all around. Even if you have blown it yourself along the way, He grants new beginnings all the time. Personal faith in Christ is far more powerful than we think at times. His blessing can overwhelm and conquer every form of the curse. Believe God and walk cooperatively with Him according to His Word. Be persistent and your life will change significantly for the better. I have tried this over and over and I know it works. He loves you too much to fail you. Work It Out!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Opportunities not Problems
Have you noticed how draining it is to focus on problem solving? There is a natural bent toward negativity when looking at things in that way. A problem pops up. That problem is managed only to be replaced by another situation that needs to be fixed. On and on it goes. A problem orientation pulls us mentally and emotionally downward. There are at the same time multiplied opportunities that can be seized. The sound of seizing an opportunity is so much more appealing than solving a problem. There are positive vibes associated with making the most out of an opportunity. The lesson is all about the approach we take. We can be positive, or negative based on how we look at things. The very nature of a problem suggests there is an opportunity to take advantage of. The energy of everyone involved moves in a much more productive direction when we train ourselves to see opportunities instead of problems. What opportunities are there around you waiting to be seized? Work it out!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Do It Now
No wonder Peter Drucker is considered one of the great teachers on leadership in our times. Listen to what he says. "A degenerative disease will not be cured by procrastination. It requires decisive action." He uses that to illustrate how we put off decisions that we know must be made. There are points of obsolescence in our lives and we just let them linger. They could be things that once worked very well for us, but their effectiveness has expired. We observe these items, relationships, or techniques that are now useless for long periods of time and do nothing. The fact that we continue to depend on people and methods that no longer get the job done is doing damage to our lives. Damage because we are wasting time that could be spent doing things that actually work. Damage because our growth is diverted while we stagnate using techniques that no longer fit where we are going. Damage because we are clinging to people that refuse to press into the future. Why is it so hard for us to act on situations that we know are not beneficial to us? Procrastination is a big part of the problem. We are going to do something about it tomorrow, and tomorrow never comes. Whatever the degenerative thing is that you are looking at, deal with it right now. If it needs to be eliminated then do it. If it needs to be adjusted then do it. There are things that hinder us and we cannot afford to let these hinderances continue. Do what must be done. If we do not take action, that unattended thing will continue to impact us in a negative way.
Work it out!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Occasionally, I see the need to hit this topic. It could be because of the reminders I must have in my own life. We live in a society that seeks instant rewards. I know that I have the stains of that kind of thinking in my own heart and mind at times. I wouldn't say it out loud, as many of you wouldn't, but it is difficult to pursue a correct course when the prize to be enjoyed seems to be in a holding pattern. Our experience is like the proverb indicates: "Hope deferred makes the heart sick." When we do not see the reward coming for doing the right things, all that is left to keep us on track is discipline. We must train ourselves to do what is right just because it is right and not worry about what we get out of it. That sounds like an obvious and easy thing. The truth is we want to enjoy benefits from our actions. The longer we go without seeing some kind of positive reinforcement for our correct behavior, the harder it is to continue doing what is right. Do not give up! Whether it is from a spiritual, moral, ethical or practical perspective keep grinding. I happen to believe the Bible verse that says, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. (Galatians 6:9 NIV)"
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Making A Real Change
You and I both know that we talk about change a whole lot more than actually making change. When we decide that we really want to do something to improve our lives it usually requires change. To make a significant change there are a few things that are necessary. First we need to see honestly, where we are and what we are working with. That sounds like an easy thing, but we are better at living in denial than we would care to admit. Without an honest assessment of our true condition we cannot move forward effectively. Then we must make a serious commitment to do something to change our condition for the better. The commitment phase is so important that we need to make it our immediate mission. We will do whatever we seriously commit to do. The mission we make will drive us; so why not make a personal mission for positive change? Finally, we need to put our talent into action to back up the commitment. We are more competent than we think. What you do best can be done in ways to move you to a better place. I'm not talking about doing what you have always done. I'm not talking about doing what people expect you to do. You and I were born to do something. Do that thing you were born to do and it will move you forward. We can change our condition for the better. Honesty, commitment and utilizing the skills we have been blessed with is a very simple formula. One of the great teachers on leadership, Peter Drucker, said it like this: "Assumptions about environment, mission and core competencies must fit reality." That is the same sentiment in a sentence. A dream will only be a dream until we take some focused, positive action.
Work It Out!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Bold Identification
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is for our everyday benefit not just an Easter celebration. The application of these benefits comes through the understanding of a few key faith points. Today let's take a look at bold identification. Access to the power of what Jesus Christ has accomplished is not for those that want to keep their relationship with Christ a secret. Many people want to keep their love for Christ undercover until they need something, or until they are around others that love Him too. Our relationship with our Lord cannot be shelved and reapplied based on convenience. We need to boldly affirm our dedication to Him at all times. The life, love, sacrifice, death, resurrection and more are all a part of who He is. We are told in Romans 6:5 "For if we have become united with him in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection;" That resurrection likeness is manifest in what the Bible calls "newness of life." I want that newness of life in my family, my career, my friendships, my mind, my emotions and everything else that concerns me. That means a bold identification with death to selfishness, willful sin, and the illicit pleasures of the world. That is simply a bold identification to Jesus Christ both when it is popular and when it is not. That is one of the faith buttons that allows resurrection to flow for us. Do you want newness of life?
Work It Out!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
I'm Grateful
Taking the time to smell the roses once in awhile will give you a real lift. My son is in town and it is just a blessing on a number of levels. I'm grateful that our Lord kept him safe for sixteen months in Afghanistan. I'm grateful for the way he has become a productive young man. I'm grateful for the few hours that my wife, my daughter and my son spent in the home the other night just talking. No deep issues to mull over, simply enjoying one another as a family. I may not have the money that some people have. I may not have the notoriety that others have. I may not have the influence that others have, but I am so grateful for the simple blessings of life. I have enough materially. I have my health. I have an assignment to serve the Lord in an environment that I love. I have a wonderful family. I have both joy in Christ and happiness with my life. I am truly blessed and I know it.
Friday, April 8, 2011
The Wonderful Power of Prayer
We hear positive comments about prayer all the time. God answers prayer. Prayer changes things. Ask and we shall receive. Prayer is the key to the kingdom. There are many other cliches that could be added to the list. That is they would be merely cliches if they were not true. God is a powerful, mighty God that answers prayer. The song poet penned the thought prayer moves the arm that moves the world. God is big enough to bring our politicians to a place of agreement to prevent a long government shutdown. God is loving enough to comfort hearts that are breaking with grief and loss. I don't say that lightly; I have family and friends that are grieving right now. God is generous enough to sustain families in turbulent economic times. God is omniscient enough to impart wisdom to workers in Japan to solve the nuclear waste problem. He cares enough to show mercy to the Libyans. Problems that are world wide can be altered by the power of prayer. As children we sang He's got the whole world in His hands... We need to believe in the God that can hold the world in the palm of His hand again and call on Him with praying hearts. The promise is when we call He will answer. Take the time to work it out in prayer.
Friday, March 18, 2011
The Impact Attitude Has On Action
It's amazing how much the attitude we have impacts the way we perform. It is just as striking to consider how many things affect our attitudes and how quickly they can change. When we think about what we are doing and how we are feeling, we realize how much control we really have over the attitude we carry. There is so much that happens on any given day that can sour the way we view the day. The goodness of God that is always toward us can cause us to have a quick adjustment for the better as well. We are responsible for a good attitude. We may have things that happen which will challenge a positive mindset, but those things do not remove the responsibility we have. Take a good, hard look at how your attitude affects your performance. When we recognize the link we will see how important it is to carry an attitude that is good. Our actions are sure to follow our attitudes whether they are good or bad.
Work It Out!
Work It Out!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
A Rainy Day
It's a rainy, dreary day in Charleston, South Carolina. It is a good time to remind myself that the things going on outside of me do not have to impact my inner being. While the clouds have gathered and the rain drops fall, I am still enjoying my connection with God. A dark cloudy exterior does not in the least change the sunny disposition of my soul, unless I let it. In fact, I am reminded of the promise that God let's His rain fall on the just and the unjust. He waters the ground so that it can produce for us. He is so good that He does that for those that love Him and those that do not. My grass will be greener because of this rain. My wife's flowers will bloom better because of this rain. Fruits and vegetables may even get a little cheaper because of this rain. There is always an opportunity to allow our inner strength to overcome the outward situation. Rain is actually a good thing. When we believe in the providence of God the things rainy days represent are also for our good. Whether you are dealing with literal or symbolic rain, lean on the Holy Spirit for strength on the inside of you and overcome the rain.
Work It Out!
Work It Out!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
What Can You Celebrate?
That is a question that turned my life upside down. I would have considered myself a pretty positive person most of my life. I love good things. I tend to think about good things. I look for the best in others. That had been my outlook until about five years ago. Somehow, I fell into a gloom and doom cycle. I can't really describe how it happened. I can't really tell you exactly when it happened. All I know is that I wound up in a bad mental and emotional state. There is no doubt that negative communication from others was a contributing factor. That is true, but I cannot blame others. There were, as there always is, some negative circumstances to deal with. However, I cannot blame the circumstances of life either. The problem I had, and I had it for more than a few days, was my perspective. I was choosing to spend far too much time dwelling on the negative forces in my life. The funny thing about it was I did not even realize how tainted my viewpoint had become until a friend of mine asked me the question "what in your life can you celebrate right now?" It was like a switch was flipped and light sprang from the darkness. The few negative things, that were being fed to me by negative people, began to shrink. I thought about the wonderful family God has blessed me with. I thought about the great privilege I have to exercise my calling and to actually get paid for doing it. I thought about the beautiful place God has allowed me to live. I thought about my health. I thought about the stability I enjoy in these unstable times. I thought about the tremendous salvation that I have from Jesus Christ. I determined from that day on that I would occasionally ask myself that question. It always puts a smile on my face. I hope you will take the time to count your blessings. It may amaze you when you consider all the good things that are happening while you are magnifying the bad.
Work It Out!
Work It Out!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Who Said This?
"Ma'am, I heard you were looking for help. I can dust and sweep and launder and iron the finest apparel." We know the man that said those words as a brilliant inventor and educator. We know him as the man that mastered the peanut. It is absolutely true that he became those things, but he did not start there. We make stories, even true life stories, a little less than real when we rush straight to the victory portion. George Washington Carver was one of the most accomplished men to ever grace this planet. He had a great mind and he nurtured it. He had a tremendous faith in God that enhanced his understanding even more. Mr. Carver however, was not born in the lab with a beaker in his hand. His introduction to adult life was working in the kitchen of a white woman from Kansas named Mrs. Payne. If we can learn to start where we are with what we have, we just may get to places that are beyond our wildest dreams. There may be a few exceptions, but most people don't just start at the top. The real question for the overwhelming majority of us is what are we willing to do to get the maximum from our lives? Once we answer that question, we have to start somewhere.
Work It Out!
Work It Out!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Our Month of Celebration
I like the saying McDonald's has "Black 365." We are African American every day we open our eyes. Since we have the calender month of February to celebrate I have three words to thank God for, President Barak Obama. His rise to prominence shows us a few things we can all immediately apply to ourselves. We can see that preparation must be there when opportunity comes. People can say whatever they will about how far we have come as a nation. The truth is however, if we were not in the catastrophic condition we were in from the previous administration we would have never seen what we now have. He walked into a set up for failure just like every other person of color who is the first one. The beauty of it, just as it has been for coaches and executives, he was prepared when the opportunity presented itself. The other thing that we can learn from our President is the power of a steadfast determination against all odds. Nobody thought he could win, but he did. Nobody thought he could pass a health care bill, but he did. Nobody thought he could work with a republican dominated house, but he is. When there is determination to accomplish specific goals, that determination has within it a power that launches us toward fulfillment of those goals. Being Black is a beautiful thing. We still need to be prepared and determined if we are going to succeed.
Work It Out!
Work It Out!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
What is the goal of the Gospel?
It is good to ask basic questions every now and then. Why do we do the things we do? What do we expect from our involvement in Christian service? What does our commitment really mean? These all flow out of the primary question, what did Jesus have in mind when He left us His Gospel message? Is it just salvation from hell? Does it just motivate us to refrain from the most hideous sins? Is it just about inspiration to live a better life? Although there are traces of all these things in what Jesus taught, they fall short of the goal He had in mind. The message of Jesus Christ is really a world changing message. Selfishness is replaced with selflessness. I wonder if we really understand that part of His call in our day? Compassion for those in unfortunate positions was also central to what He modeled during His life. Is caring for others even on our radar these days? Jesus was never looking to establish Church memberships. He wanted to see people fully committed to following His way of life. Just as He spoke to Peter and Andrew on the sea shore in ancient times, the goal of the Gospel is still wrapped up in these words of Jesus, "Follow me." When we do that it will change our lives and the lives of everyone that is under our influence.
Work It Out!
Work It Out!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Good Communication is Essential
In every type of relationship communication is critical. Without clear ideas of what is intended, only assumptions can be drawn by those that are around us. I am finding that the land of assumptions is dangerous ground. Many good things can be happening in a life or an organization and yet without the relay of that information discouragement will still creep in. It is not just what we say, it is a proper understanding received in the minds of the ones we are saying it to, that completes healthy communication. When we do not understand we need to ask the person talking with us "tell me more." When we believe we do understand it is still a good idea to reflect back "is this what I have heard you say to me." If we have doubts about our words being correctly received, what's wrong with asking "do you understand what I am saying?" Simple misunderstandings can blow up into major relational trouble. A failure to be on the same wave length can completely cripple an organization. Do what it takes to communicate with your friends and loved ones. It will save you a bunch of heartache and unnecessary pain. Find out what is expected from you on your job and what you can expect from your employer too. That will make an excellent performance so much easier to render. "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding." (Proverbs 4:7)
Work It Out!
Work It Out!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Sports and Life
It is always interesting to me how many times sports speak about life. The Steelers, my favorite team, had an outstanding 1st half. They were able to capitalize and build a 24-3 lead over the Jets. In the 2nd half things did not go nearly as well. The Jets stormed back outplaying us on both sides of the ball. We fortunately, at least from the perspective of Pittsburgh fans, had a big enough lead to hold on and win the game 24-19. The life lesson is to stock pile as much as you can when the good times are with you. Joseph, by the wisdom of God, did the same thing in ancient Egypt. He told Pharaoh to store up supplies during the years that bumper crops were coming in so that there would be a surplus during the years of famine. That is simply taking advantage of great opportunities while they are with you. We can never assume that good times are always going to roll. Preparing for the rain while the sun is shining is more than common sense. It's Biblical wisdom to save enough to maneuver through harsh times. A pinpoint scripture is found in Proverbs. Proverbs 6:6-8 NIV Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. That my friends is a wise way to live.
Work It Out!
Work It Out!
Friday, January 21, 2011
It's easy to go hip hip hooray for a winner. There is no problem at all for "black and yellow" cheers in the Steel City for our Steelers of today. Those of you that can back to the 60s and before, know that it wasn't always what it is now. Then there are the Pirates of today. They wear "black and yellow" too. They have won championships too. There were times when the Steelers, Pirates, and Penguins were all rollin. We were called "The City of Champions." I was born in Pittsburgh. I was raised in that Steel City mentality. I twirl my Terrible Towel in my living room during the games. I've lived outside of the city in the low country of beautiful South Carolina for nearly 18 years. There is just something about your roots that never leave you. I see the same thing from family and friends that are scattered all over everywhere. My son is in Afghanistan and "black and yellow" is all in his blood. There is an indescribable something that will be a part of the game Sunday night that people who are not familiar with a Pittsburgh upbringing will not understand. By the way, in the summer I will catch a Pirate game at PNC park as well. It's just loyalty. I don't care what their record has been lately. The spiritual point: unless you are born into it, Jesus said you cannot even see the Kingdom of God. The loyalty to the cause of Christ that causes so much misunderstanding to those who are on the outside looking in is explainable. A person can never understand what they have never seen. Those of us that have seen the King have no problem giving Him our allegiance. Those of us that have felt His divine tug on our hearts find it natural to surrender our time, talent, treasure and all to whatever He says we should do. People that are just familiar with religion can never understand that. Loyalty has nothing to do with outward circumstances. Loyalty rises from within. Support your team whoever they may be; that's alright. You ought to know however, kingdoms are clashing. Darkness and light are at odds with each other. Your loyalty, in this Kingdom thing, is going to have eternal consequences so don't get it wrong. When you read the end of the story in the Revelation of Saint John, we already know it is Jesus Christ the King of all kings that is forever declared the winner. My loyalty lies with Him. How about you?
Work It Out!
Work It Out!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
A Way For Our Little Ones
Ezra 8:21 Then I proclaimed a fast there, at the river of Ahava, that we might afflict ourselves before our God, to seek of him a right way for us, and for our little ones, and for all our substance.
In Ezra 8:21 the people were greatly concerned for themselves and their little ones. They were so concerned that they began to fast and pray. In the political scene, we hear about the financial deficit we have left to the next generation. The question I have is what about the moral, spiritual deficit we have left for them? The vulgar, profane language that is offensive to God and used to be offensive to us, is common to them. The violence of gun play is so ordinary we expect to hear about shootings and robberies daily. Sexually explicit material that used to make us blush is freely portrayed through every form of communication out here. Many of our churches are in such poor spiritual condition that a presentation of the right path is not guaranteed to come from there either. Time is moving us toward a very definite end called judgment and we don't seem to be the least bit interested. If quality of life starts with the spiritual, and I certainly believe it does, than what we are leaving for our children and grandchildren is inexcusable. The only breath of fresh air we have in this crisis is it is not too late. We can still turn the tide with prayer intensified by fasting. The right path that we have all but forsaken can be chosen and traveled by those that come after us. There is good news in the events that Ezra records and there can be for us too. Ezra 8:23 So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer. God does answer prayer; especially when intensified with fasting. Do we care enough about us and our little ones to fast and pray? If we do we can see a change where it matters most.
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In Ezra 8:21 the people were greatly concerned for themselves and their little ones. They were so concerned that they began to fast and pray. In the political scene, we hear about the financial deficit we have left to the next generation. The question I have is what about the moral, spiritual deficit we have left for them? The vulgar, profane language that is offensive to God and used to be offensive to us, is common to them. The violence of gun play is so ordinary we expect to hear about shootings and robberies daily. Sexually explicit material that used to make us blush is freely portrayed through every form of communication out here. Many of our churches are in such poor spiritual condition that a presentation of the right path is not guaranteed to come from there either. Time is moving us toward a very definite end called judgment and we don't seem to be the least bit interested. If quality of life starts with the spiritual, and I certainly believe it does, than what we are leaving for our children and grandchildren is inexcusable. The only breath of fresh air we have in this crisis is it is not too late. We can still turn the tide with prayer intensified by fasting. The right path that we have all but forsaken can be chosen and traveled by those that come after us. There is good news in the events that Ezra records and there can be for us too. Ezra 8:23 So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer. God does answer prayer; especially when intensified with fasting. Do we care enough about us and our little ones to fast and pray? If we do we can see a change where it matters most.
Work It Out!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
The Ordinary In An Extraordinary Way
Life is not just about making the most of big opportunities. Sometimes great momentum comes from doing the little things in a big way. We have very little control over when a big break may come. They are few and far between. Everyday however, we have a multitude of little things that we can put our best into. We can be wise with our little choices. We can be excellent in the little things nobody else will even see us do. We can be diligent with our small daily plan. We can put our best into the things we knock off our to do lists. If the big thing never comes, doing little things well means we have maximized our personal situation. If the big break does occur, our attention to detail will make us all the more prepared for it. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says "Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God,..." Those are strong words to live by.
Work It Out!
Work It Out!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Knowing God Through The Spirit
We can gain quite a bit of insight from what we read in the Bible. The ultimate test of truth in any arena of life is the written Word of God. There are many things that we can pick up from observing other people. It is undoubtedly valid that persons further down the road of experience than we, can teach us without even knowing they are doing so. I have learned a ton from just simply watching people that I admire. Having said those things, there is a greater reality in terms of our knowing God which cannot be picked up in either of the ways I have mentioned above. Mental knowledge and experience in spiritual things are not the same. Our bodies are literally temples of the Holy Spirit. To put it another way, God dwells inside of us and He can be personally known. The first step in this practical, actual, experiential relationship with God is faith. We must really believe that when Jesus said the Holy Spirit would dwell in us that He was talking about something real. God made the universe and He is all around us; but He also is a Spirit that has chosen to make His home inside of us. If we cannot cling to that reality by faith, as true as it is, we will never experience the power of it. The next step is simply becoming familiar with Him. He is relational. He can be grieved by our poor, ungodly behavior. He can be quenched by our reluctance to yield to His lead. He can also be intimately known as we take the time to sense and understand Him. There is not a friend, or loved one in your life that you did not have to take the time to grow relationally with. The Spirit of God must be learned through the development of a relationship. When you read the Word listen to hear what the Spirit wants to emphasize. When you pray and pour out all your requests, take some time to listen and see if the Spirit has something to say to you. He is the Great Revealer. His assignment is to lead us. How can that happen if He is not personally known? Believe He is there deep within you. Take the time to become acquainted with Him. You will be glad you did.
Work It Out!
Work It Out!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Steel Will
I happen to be a huge Steeler fan and so the point I want to make today is not only relevant, it's fun. When down in the first half 21 - 7 things did not look very good. When in a must convert 3rd and 19 situation in the closing minutes of the game, once again things were pretty bleak. The championship pedigree of the Steel town crew prevailed. Victory was the outcome because of the determination of a team that just simply would not give up. It just so happened that a big play with flawless execution, facing that 3rd and 19 mentioned earlier, was the difference in the game. Life can be similar to athletic competition. We can make huge mistakes which can put us in the hole. We can then chose to give up, or we can keep on fighting until the final horn sounds. If you and I are still on top of the ground and not lying in a grave then we still have time to execute a big play. If there is no opportunity for a big play than grind it out bit by bit. Perseverance in football as well as in life is a valuable asset. Don't give up, or give in. Keep on pressing until the resistance breaks. Many times the determining factor in a thing is who will quit. The Bible says it like this: "And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary." (Galatians 6:9)
Work It Out!
Work It Out!
Friday, January 14, 2011
A Rewarding Discipline
There are great rewards to the discipline of fasting. Moses received the Ten Commandments while he was fasting for forty days. The fellowship on Mount Sinai was so sweet that at the close of this session with God his face was shining. The evil plot to destroy the Jewish people in Shushan was reversed by the power of God after a three day fast initiated by Esther. Nehemiah was granted favor from the king, materials to complete an expensive task, and letters ensuring safe passage to Jerusalem. All of that happened after a season of fasting and prayer. There are many other examples that could be given, but I think the point has been made. I don't know why there is power in fasting and it really doesn't matter. The Lord responds to our faith that is intensified somehow through fasting. We will find some of our most precious times with God will come through this discipline. Everything does not have to make sense to us to work. Prayer with fasting yields rewards. The only way to know that is to do it.
Work it out!
Work it out!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
An Action that Speaks Louder Than Words
Fasting is a practical way to show our stomachs that God really is in charge of us. That sounds like a strange thing to say, but when we examine the Word we find that the stomach is a challenger to God's authority. In paradise the temptation Eve faced was fruit from a tree that was "...good for food and pleasant to the eyes..." She ate the fruit disregarding the direct command of God to leave that particular fruit alone. In the Jacob and Esau story the stomach brought chaos into the household. Isaac loved Esau more because of the venison he prepared. Esau valued a pot of stew more than his birthright. Then of course there is Jesus. When tempted to turn stones into bread, which obviously He could have accomplished; He said " shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." Job expressed the same thought like this: "I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food." We should be more hungry for God than anything else including food. One practical way to prove that to ourselves is to fast.
Work it out!
Work it out!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
A Bedrock Issue
When it comes to spiritual things these days there is much discussion about overcoming obstacles. We hear allot about gaining abundance. We are coached up on the rewards of wonderful relationships. The development of creativity is highly prized. All of these themes are important, but there is the strange absence of a bedrock theme in the discussions of our times. It may not be popular to think on the separation that God requires of His own, but it is forever true. The declaration from Leviticus 11:45 is, "For I am the Lord who brought you up from the land of Egypt to be your God; thus you shall be holy, for I am holy." This is further established in 1 Peter 1:16 as a New Testament principle; "because it is written, 'You shall be holy, for I am holy.'" Holiness is simply being set apart for God's purposes. We belong to God and so we are to commit ourselves to do everything His way. If we really believed in the importance of this bedrock issue things would be much different in our homes, churches and society at large. There are too many people today that want to be double agents. They wish to love the Lord and be popular in a sinful world at the same time. Don't lower your lifestyle to the lukewarm standards of our age. Set your heart on God and let everything else flow out of your relationship with Him. He has made it clear what He is looking for.
Work it out!
Work it out!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
A Clean Heart
Is there a better way to start off a New Year than with a clean heart? Is there a better way for us to impact our friends and loved ones, in these difficult days, than by acting from the motives produced by a clean heart? There is no doubt that we have not closed out 2010 with an unblemished record. There were things that we would undo if we could. We know however, we can't go back and change anything. One of the beautiful things about our Heavenly Father is the way He offers us the ability to begin again. We can have a clean slate. We can create the next chapter without having to overwrite new things on old mess. David prayed after a miserable failure in his life. His cry in Psalm 51:10 was "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." Before too much time passes in 2011, pray a similar prayer from your own heart. I have. I don't ever want to smear the new things God intends to do for me on top of old mess.
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Work it out!
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