Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Zion Is Evaluated Through Us
Jeremiah 30:17 'For I will restore you to health And I will heal you of your wounds,' declares the LORD, 'Because they have called you an outcast, saying: "It is Zion; no one cares for her."' One of the reasons God is so interested in healing us from our physical impairments is because that type of demonstration of His power rings the bell for what is really important. His ways are higher than our ways. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. We often just seek for relief from the misery of a condition. God is good and He grants that type of deliverance, but that is not His main goal. He wants the world to see the beauty of Zion. The saved, those who have been delivered from sin through the blood of Jesus, dwell in Zion. When we are blessed in ways that the lost can easily connect the dots toward the reality of God it helps them see the beauty of Zion. When we go through all the maladies of life in this fallen world without help and hope, it's hard for nonbelievers to see the value of serving the God we say is so good. When the breakthrough comes and we joyfully report we did not do it but God made the way, others can see why they need Him too. Look for your blessing not just because you need it, but because the reputation of Zion is being evaluated too.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
What Is Success?
It's nice to have money, but is success measured by how much you have? It's good to live a long time, but does longevity equal success? It's great to have relationships where you get as much as you give, but do quality relationships make you successful? I suppose the question is what do we really use to measure a successful life? We have seen people that are considered to be wildly successful in one area while they have gaping holes in other areas. Does a great financial life filled with poor health choices add up to success? Are you successful when you have popularity and disastrous relationships? There is a simple formula in Joshua 1:8: This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Obedience to God through His word is the way to good success. Any other way may be considered successful by a variety of standards, but the success may not be good. Have a great day doing what you know God wants done!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
We Can't Avoid Competition
We have teams now that don't keep score. We have awards that we give to everyone, even if they don't aggressively apply for them. We are trying to create an everybody wins society and it won't work. All we do with these crazy notions is set people up for failure. If you think you are going to have anything other than an average life with average effort you are mistaken. Poor effort will likewise lead to poor results in the overwhelming majority of cases. This world is not friendly toward mediocrity and there is no other planet I know of that we can live on. Even in the kingdom of God we are to strive for perfection. We are to let the word work mightily in us. We are to depend on the power of the Holy Spirit. We are to lean on the fellowship for support. Whatever we do we are to do it with our might. We have amazing grace, but we are to put forth maximum effort as well. Don't settle for anything but the best. In looking for the best we need to give our best. Have a great day reaching for the stars!
Monday, May 7, 2012
I Am Healed Monday
I want to just share an experience that I had last week in the hope that it will encourage someone along the way. Last Wednesday afternoon we were together for our Noon Day Prayer time at the church. I confessed some emotional trauma I was experiencing as a result of my daughter being involved in a car accident and asked for prayer. Several of our beautiful, godly people of prayer took that request to the Lord and I felt lifted. One of our humble, elderly prayer warriors prayed for me and on top of what I requested she was also moved to pray for my body. I did not share with the group the involuntary muscle spasms I had been dealing with for a couple of days in my shoulder and upper right arm. When the sister prayed for the Lord to touch my body, and I don't even know why she did that, the spasms that were occurring instantly left and did not return. That simple prayer of faith brought instant relief to my mild condition and I didn't even ask for it. I relate that story for at least two reasons. First of all, God is so good that He blessed me with the emotional strength I asked for and the physical healing I didn't even ask for. The second thing is I considered that issue to be so mild that I didn't even mention it, but God cared enough to touch me anyway. Sometimes it's the discernment and the faith of others that becomes the vehicle for our blessing. James 5:15 and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Responsible Expansion
I don't think there is any doubt that the technological advances of our day should be maximized by the church. Through radio, television and the Internet we have greater opportunities to share the message of Jesus Christ with the world around us than ever. The problem, at least as I see it, is what do we really consider to be the message of Jesus Christ today? There is such a miss mash of presentations called Christian these days the message of Christ is becoming increasingly foggy. Anyone with a microphone and a couple of nickels can broadcast whatever they choose and call it a Christian program. Having so many people in our times that are too lazy to open up their own Bibles and think, this becomes a dangerous predicament. The increase of technological savvy cannot make us dependent on everyone else to think for us. Likewise, we have entered this arena of multiplied voices without any way of policing ourselves. How do we combat error when there is so much of it? Who is responsible for challenging irresponsible presentations that use the name of Jesus for selfish, manipulative purposes? How do we warn people against the dangers of being so overwhelmed with charisma until they forget Jesus Christ is the only celebrity in the church? Does writing a check to a TV broadcaster relieve us of the personal responsibility to preach the gospel to every creature? Technology should certainly be used to the glory of God, but we can't assume that everything labeled gospel really is Christ centered. Have a great day taking time to evaluate what you hear!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
The Company We Keep
1 John 1:3 That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. It has been properly said many times that we are heavily impacted by the company we keep. The pressure that comes from our peers is usually connected with negative consequences. Peer pressure however, does not have to be a bad thing. When we look at the Bible model of togetherness it speaks of the power of positive peer pressure. The verse above talks about a group that had seen some things that kept them going. They heard some things that moved them toward a strong sense of togetherness. They were drawn close by the experiences they shared. It was such a powerful sense of unity that their desire was to see more people included in their group. The disciples had challenges but they were an overwhelmingly positive community. The company you keep can be just as strong an instrument to persuade you toward right behavior as it has worked to persuade folk to do the wrong thing. When you carefully choose the company you keep the rewards will last a lifetime. Have a great day wisely associating with others!
Monday, April 30, 2012
I Am Healed Monday
In John 14:12,13 Jesus says: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." The Bible gives us some unbelievable promises and that is just our problem. Many of the things that Jesus has spoken are in our minds too good to be true and so we just adjust our faith down and act like they are not true. The works that Jesus did were healing the sick, delivering the oppressed, miraculously feeding the poor and even raising the dead. In the book of Acts the Apostles did these same things in Jesus name. We just cannot allow ourselves to be satisfied with what many of our modern churches have degenerated into. We don't ask for much. We don't declare our victory over much. We don't command things to align with God's word and it's all because we really don't believe this promise and others. Since Jesus Christ, who cannot lie, says those that believe will do the works that he did; the only logical conclusion is if we are not seeing the works is that we don't really believe. I don't know any other way to say this, right on the verge of what most people would call crazy is where this miracle power gets released. Have a great day adjusting your faith up and not allowing it to be adjusted down.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Real Authority
There is a myth that is quickly exposed as untrue by anyone who has truly lived with responsibility. The myth is title or position comes with a commensurate amount of authority. Anyone who has tried to use authority before they actually have it has run into that wall. Real authority has to be in some measure earned. I found out early in my place of leadership that for a while pastoral authority meant the right to get blamed for something when it went wrong. People will not follow you until they trust you. True leadership simply means you have followers. A boss that is hated or feared isn't really leading anyone anywhere. That type of leadership may work when the hated leader is standing right there in front of those he threatens. On the other hand, if a boss is respected and trusted then an organization has a leader with real authority. I can't roll with everything Rev. Jessie Jackson says, but he hit the nail on the head with this one. "Don't use authority until you have it. Don't abuse it when you use it; and don't try to use it when you lose it." The truth is humility is the key to real authority. Just look at Jesus the greatest leader who ever walked the earth. He had all authority, but He never abused it. He was humble and multitudes followed Him everywhere. Have a great day walking in true authority which is balanced by humility!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
The Main Thing
It's not easy to keep the main thing as the main thing when there are so many options in our contemporary world. A business exists to fill a need of it's customers. A hospital exists to bring health and recovery to it's patients. A church exists to see salvation and Christian development come to it's constituents. The challenge is for a group to refuse to abandon it's primary mission by adopting too many side causes. The biggest threat to the thing that is most important is something else that is important too. A cause can be picked out of the air these days and it is likely to be something that will be rallied around. We must be very careful however, that the causes we adopt do not take us away from the main thing we should be about. Jesus came as a shepherd to seek and to save the lost. If we are going to effectively represent Him than we must have that continually as our main agenda item. Seeing unsaved people find the precious salvation that Jesus purchased with His blood and then grow strong in Him is the main thing. Let's not get lost in so many side issues that we forget what we are here for. Have a great day lifting up the light in a dark world!
Monday, April 23, 2012
I Am Healed Monday
A persistent pursuit is an important element in seeing the healing power of God manifest. The woman that had the issue of blood spent a bunch of money on doctors, but she didn't stop there. She believed that Jesus could do something about her illness, but she didn't stop there. She determined to touch the hem of his garment, but she didn't stop with a mental determination. She had to press through crowds of people, in her sick condition, but still she pursued Him. She finally gets to where He was and touched His clothes. Upon her touch of the border of His robe she was instantly made well. It's hard to recount this lady's story without seeing the persistence she demonstrated. This was a woman that made up her mind that she was going to do everything necessary to get well. I submit that it is easier for us to access the healing favor of God than it was for this woman. We have the written word of God with multiplied promises. We have the Holy Spirit living right inside of us. We have a resurrected savior who has a track record of healing the sick. The question is do we have the constitution to persistently pursue what we need from God? We don't have to pry things out of the hand of God. God is a giver. We do have our own doubts to overcome. We do have a world of skepticism to press past. We do have other things that battle us for prioritized supremacy. God works through our faith. I'm discovering that a true place of faith is a much more difficult thing to arrive at then we sometimes think. When we really believe there is something that clicks inside of us, like it did for this woman, that refuses to be denied. Have a great day determining to pray on until the answer comes.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Whatever It Is, You Can Do It!
We can become so prone to focussing our attention on the negative. We can point out every flaw in others. We can become obsessed with our own weaknesses. It can be so easy to look at what can't be done instead of the many strengths that we and our associates do have. If we could only aspire toward something better and look harder at our strengths things would improve by leaps and bounds. Everyone of us can do something well. There is not time to be jealous of someone else. We don't have the luxury anymore of wasting time doing things we cannot do. We are not in a contest, but a concert. The Bible says "to one is given..." "To another is given..." We each have a God given ability that we can operate in effectively. You can do your thing well enough not to worry about somebody else's thing. If we could only learn to do what we do well and then compliment that with what others do well we could set the world on fire. Have a great day running well in your own lane!
Monday, April 16, 2012
I Am Healed Monday
According to 1st Peter 1:23 the word of God is incorruptible seed. This spring I planted grass in several bald areas of the yard. Some of those spots grew in very well. Some of them didn't grow in at all. The seed is corruptible. There is no guarantee for positive results. God's word is incorruptible seed. It will produce. The word of God will not return void. We have to come to a place in our faith that could be described as a crisis point. We need to decide if we are going to truly believe what God says or not. If the word of God is reliable, and it is, we need to take it over and above what our bodies currently show us. We need to value the report of God's word above the report of doctors. We need to believe God more than the doubters and skeptics that surround us. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." What is more essential to daily life than bread? We are told right there the word of God is more essential than bread. We can stake our lives, our health, our difficulties of every kind on God's word. It is incorruptible seed and when we mix the fertilizer of faith with it, God's word must produce. Have a great day grabbing ahold of a promise from God and clinging to it until the fruit comes!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Unpleasant Realities
We would all prefer to operate in life on a high plane. Skipping from mountain peak to mountain peak would be a wonderful thing. In truth however, we have some unpleasant places we want to avoid where things need to be addressed. Pretending that unpleasant situations are not there will not make them go away. Trying to ignore things that may be temporarily painful only tends to make those matters grow worse. It's sometimes a good practice to put the very things we want to do the least at the top of our to do list. There is always time and energy for whatever is first. If your weight is out of line ignoring it won't bring it in line. Address it! If a relationship is fractured because of an offense you caused, sweeping the offense under the rug won't fix it. Address it! If your spending is out of control trying to maintain an image that these economic times can't support, continuing to spend won't help. Address it! When we stuff enough things in our closets eventually the stuff will spill out. Don't wait until your closet overflows embarrassing you and those around you. Have a great day addressing an issue!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Enlarging Territory
I was watching Bishop Jakes and Oprah on her "Life Class" series the other night. I was somewhat captivated by one particular concept. At one point they were talking about being an inmate to our cubicles. That's just an illustration of course of settling for less than we are capable of producing. There was a phrase made popular by the prayer of Jabez "enlarge my territory." Many of us do have a sense that there is much more inside of us than we are able to currently express. There could be a wide variety of things that hinder us from reaching our highest potential. The question on the floor is what do we need to do in order to become all we were meant by our Creator to be? If we believe we can increase our influence, impact and contribution to this world, we should be compelled to do so. The answer to the how we accomplish that may be different for each of us. I'm not exactly sure how to stretch myself to bust out of some of limitations I've set, but I'm working on it. I do believe that there are things, specific things, you and I can do to grow. May you have a great day thinking about areas where you can stretch yourself!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Broken Promises
Bouncing a check is a rather foolish endeavor. When the check hits the bank and the money is not there, the bill is still there plus fees. Writing a check and cashing it when there are insufficient funds is a broken promise. When you make promises that you fail to keep you are not getting away without penalties. They may not be as easy to trace as bank fees, but the penalties of broken promises exist. The person, or persons you made the promise to will be less likely to believe what you say in the future. The relationship is damaged beyond the realm of just words. When trust is shaken everything about the relationship is more fragile than before. Just like it is better not to write a check when you know the money is not there, it is better not to make a promise when you know you either can't or won't keep it. If you do make promises you have failed to keep restoration of trust begins with saying you're sorry. Just like the bank will not allow your account to proceed as if nothing ever happened when a check bounces; A relationship will not go on in the same way without owning and making right a promise that has been broken. Don't waste relationship currency by failing to repair a broken promise. The damage can be far more severe than a few bank fees. You may feel like you have swept it under the rug, but your spouse, your kids, or your friends know you didn't do what you said you would. That blockade will be there until it is torn down by making it right. Have a great day keeping your promises and making repair for the ones that have been broken!
Monday, March 26, 2012
I Am Healed Monday
I'm sure this phrase from Mark 9:24 states the way we sometimes feel when it comes to our health. "...I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" This came from a father that had a son bound by a chronic, debilitating disease. He knew Christ had healed many other people from their distresses. His words to Jesus however, reveal the doubt he has concerning his own case. The man said, "if You can do anything, take pity on us and help us!" Jesus responds to him the same way He is responding to us. "All things are possible to him who believes." If that is a true statement, and it comes from the one who is truth so it has to be. We must evaluate continually what we really believe. We must take a firm look at where our unbelief is popping up. The battle between faith and doubt fluctuates. We would like to think we are strong people of faith all the time, but faith is a moving thing. A bad report, a bad day, negative conversation, wobbles in our faithfulness, triggers that set off chronic conditions can all do damage to the strength of our faith. If we are going to enjoy healing the biggest think we need to overcome is doubt. Medical advances are great. The greatest obstacle to being blessed by the touch of the Master's hand though, is unbelief. Have a great day receiving help from God to overcome it!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Get In; But Be Effective!
A line this morning from the late, well known business expert Peter Drucker reads "...attempts to put ordinary college courses online are a mistake." He respects the power of the internet to communicate information, but believes the way that information is communicated must be different than in an ordinary class room. That made me think about the way I tend to communicate the gospel online. I have many times just placed a sermon "as is" on line. That has to be the same mistake as trying to teach a class on the internet like a teacher standing before students in a class room. There are many more creative ways to utilize that same footage and communicate the good news more effectively. I'm sure you know that a godly presence on the web is extremely important, or you wouldn't be reading this. We need to be involved. Our voice needs to be heard. The name of the Lord is to be glorified everywhere including through technology. We just need to be as effective as possible with the audience we know utilizes this forum. I know from that one statement from Drucker that I have work to do and creativity to release. How about you? Have a great day using what you can in the most effective way possible!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Don't Sleep On Justice!
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice and when they fail in this purpose they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of social progress." Trayvon Martin was a young man just making a little run to the store and now he's dead. His killer was instructed by the dispatcher to back off. His killer had a documented reputation of being over zealous. His killer used deadly force against an unarmed boy. His killer, based on the laws of common sense, didn't even need to carry arms as a neighborhood watch captain. When our boys can't go to the store to get a bag of Skittles and an Ice tea without their lives being at risk we have a seriously warped society. The fact that the perpetrator of this crime is not sitting in a jail cell speaks volumes about our nation. We declare in our Pledge that we are nation that stands for "liberty and justice for all." Apparently we really don't mean that. If you want an even higher source the Bible says in Micah 6:8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? God is a God of justice just as much as He is love and light. When we operate in justice we operate in harmony with who God is. Where is the justice for Trayvon Martin and his family? Have a great day, but don't forget to lift a prayer and speak a word in your circle of influence to help bring justice to this heart broken family.
Monday, March 19, 2012
I Am Healed Monday
The thought for today is simple. We read about the tremendous miracles of healing that Jesus performed and we are impressed. We know what He has done and we praise Him. However, there is sometimes a disconnect from what He has done to the power that He left for us to walk in. Even after Christ died, rose again and ascended to take His seat in glory miracles were still being released through the disciples. The book of Acts is chalked full of the mighty works of God actively moving through the Lord's followers. We can also have a tendency to believe that our sickness is somehow unique, or our case somehow too special for the Lord to address. The verse that we look at today should encourage us to have an expectation of the Lord's healing favor in our lives. He is on His throne, yet He still works through those who believe Him. There also seems to be no regard for what type of sickness, nor how many may be in need. Your case is not too hard. You are not the only one the Lord is going to skip. The price that our Lord paid when He was brutalized and killed includes you. The Holy Spirit inside of every believer is our authority to take God at his word. Look at this: Acts 5:16 There came also a multitude out of the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed every one. Over and over again we are told that God healed every one. Believe that! Declare that over your own life. You don't need some type of super evangelist to pray for you. The power of an endless life is in you too. Have a great day believing in the God who is the same yesterday, today and forever! That God is a God who heals the sick.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Living With The End In View
I don't know why he said this, but John Maynard Keyne said "In the long run we are all dead." Not the most cheerful statement, but chalked full of reality. There are way too many people living short sighted lives. As a result the wisdom of living well is absent. The facts are hard to hide from. The mortality rate is one hundred percent. Unless we are in the generation that sees Jesus return the one thing that we can be sure of is we will one day die. With that in mind, what are the most important things to occupy ourselves with while we live? Since the most important thing at death is a relationship with God through Christ it certainly makes sense to make sure that is firmly in place. Since at death we carry nothing with us it sure seems reasonable to spend more time enjoying love than pursuing things. Finally, knowing we must die we should concern ourselves with the impact we leave behind us. Long after we are gone what we have modeled and memories of how we lived will still be here. Somebody is watching us and learning the lessons we teach whether they are good or bad. We need to make that impact count for good. Have a great day pursuing love and relating to God for in the end what else really matters.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Systematic Improvement
We do not become our best by accident. If we are looking to improve our lot in life we must build ways to make that happen. Our prayer lives improve when we build in systematic disciplines of praying. That does not eliminate spontaneous praying, but that is even strengthened because we have set times that prayer is offered. Our growth in knowledge will only come as we have built in times of learning. Books and knowledgable people can be effective instruments, but time needs to be systematically given. It would be foolish for us to think we can go from zero to 10 miles or 100 push ups. We can systematically grow from 1 mile and increase our push ups in sets of ten. We won't go from owing everyone in town to living debt free overnight. However we can get there systematically paying off one bill at a time. Neither spiritual, mental, financial or physical fitness just happen. We will improve based on the systems that we build in our lives. No systems will mean very little improvement. Have a great day building a plan for a better you!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Interrupting The Dream Sequence
Some of us are admittedly dreamers. We can have so many dreams floating around in our heads that push the envelope that we could be in a continuous state of turmoil. Some of the dreams we have could improve the environments we function in. Others would just set people on edge. The interesting snag in the whole thing is a dream never becomes anything but good intentions until it gets translated into positive action. A dream must be translated into a workable plan. The plan then has to generate some action. Those who are dreamers know every dream does not deserve an action plan. However, no dream will ever be anything other than a dream if there is never any action generated by it. Some of the things people have accomplished is just straight amazing. These great success stories all started in somebody's head as a dream. Who is to say that we don't have something amazing in us that's just waiting to be acted upon? We can't let our best dreams die in dreamland. Have a great day translating your best dream into an action plan!
Monday, March 12, 2012
I Am Healed
Welcome to another "I am healed Monday." Today we view the cross as the instrument that provided our healing favor. The question we need to ask ourselves is was the suffering of our savior enough to provide healing for the things that make us ill? I bring you a phrase from Isaiah 53:5 "the chastisement of our peace was upon Him;" That means the correction, chastening or discipline that was necessary to secure our peace was handled by Christ. He did what was necessary to correct our off balance, out of kilter, non-favored lives. He received punishment in our place. Now we have peace (shalom) with God. That powerful word describes our covenant state with God through Christ. It includes completeness, wholeness, soundness, welfare, health, tranquility, prosperity, safety and contentment. Jesus Christ is our peace. Why would we just expect forgiveness from our sins when Jesus has suffered to bring us absolute soundness in every phase of life? Just like faith in his work secures our forgiveness, we must live in faith to experience our wholeness. Have a great day living in the expectation of wellness!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Opportunity Based Change
Innovation is not the kind of thing that should be done just for the sake of change. A new idea should be joined to an opportunity. Sometimes unnecessary risks are taken just so a person can prove they are on the so called cutting edge. Who are we trying to impress? We do need to think about whether or not we are in step with the age we are in. We do need to be willing to let go of things that are no longer effective. We do need to take a long look at the most pressing needs we have and try to meet them. Those are all doors of opportunity. If we honestly evaluate the people around us that need something and try to help those people, there will be somethings that must be adjusted to make that happen. We cannot operate well being stuck in a fear zone, but there is no value in being a risk taker just because of the rush it can bring. Too many people can be hurt by our desire to be a genius. Have a great day looking for opportunities to help someone and then innovate if necessary.
Monday, March 5, 2012
I Am Healed Monday
I'm going to start calling Mondays "I am healed Mondays" as an encouragement for the people of God to believe God. Divine healing is a part of our benefit package as believers in Jesus Christ. Our bodies from the natural side are prone to weakness, sickness, disease, aging and the negative effects of the fall. What Jesus has done for us on the other hand opens us up to the supernatural power of God. The challenge we have is the supernatural power of God is accessed by faith. The natural decline and the negative impact of the fall are all things we can see. To have our healing breakthroughs manifest we must master the art of walking by faith and not by sight. We have to learn to declare what the Word declares regardless of what the physical evidence may be. (2 Corinthians 4:13 We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak;) I want to encourage you, as I encourage myself, to speak the word of God over our bodies. Say it out loud. Speak the Word verbally. The word of God is both life and health not just to the soul, but also to the body. I'll leave you today with a few verses from Proverbs that speak about the power of the Word on our bodies. Proverbs 4:20-22 My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. Have a great day fighting the natural with the supernatural!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Adding Value
One of the things that provides value to others is meeting their felt needs. We have to know what the people around us need. The problem to overcome is we tend to be consumed with our own felt needs. Sometimes many of our wants even trump the needs of the others in our lives. We can spend so much time and energy trying to cater to ourselves that we don't add anything to those around us. Jesus Christ was the opposite of that. He always considered others. Our Lord gave purpose to the aimless. He gave food to the hungry. He gave healing to the sick. He gave answers to the seeker. He showed loving concern to the outcast. He represented the kingdom of God and He embodied a willingness to help people find a better way to live. He wasn't looking to add a notch to His belt. He wasn't trying to increase the number of followers in His community. Jesus loved people and people sensed that love. Massive crowds came to Him because they knew He cared. Operating like Jesus is not about easing the conscience. We need the heartbeat of Jesus to transform our lifestyles. Have a great day filling a need that someone else has!
Monday, February 27, 2012
On God's Mind
Things are moving all over the universe and are being held in check by the word of God's power. Still, God has you and I on His mind more than anything else. We are the apple of His eye. We are His peculiar treasure. He refers to us as beloved. We are the objects of His affection. He wants us to know what is on His mind in truth not what we conjure up based on warped ideals that have been passed along. God cares enough to feed every sparrow daily and we are more valuable to Him than sparrows. He cares enough to clothe flowers with beauty daily and we are more valuable to Him than flowers. There is absolutely no mystery in this, God loves us and we occupy His thoughts continually. When we operate like we know this to be real, it changes how we see everything. Problems become opportunities. Our worry melts into a sense of peace. Our eyes begin to open with an expectation of God leading us to victory. We are no longer overwhelmed by the issues of society. We know that "if God be for us, who can be against us." However, we also need to know that God is for us. Have a great day enjoying the truth that you and I are on God's mind!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Agree and See
We can't go where we don't direct ourselves. It's hard to move toward what we can't see. The Bible term for this is vision. We need to see where we are going before we can move out and get there. Painting a clear picture of our preferred future is good. Seeing a crystal clear vision of the future based on God's word is better. When we can agree with what God says about us it's powerful. When we can actually visualize our lives based on that agreement we become what we see. This is not positive, possibility thinking. It's greater than that. God's word is eternal. God's word is unchanging. God's word is already settled in heaven. His word cannot return unto Him empty. When we see according to the Bible, we see what God has said. Nothing can stop what God has said. The power of seeing in agreement with God's word promotes the true image of us that will not be stopped. Don't settle for less. Have a great day seeing yourself as God declares you to be!
Monday, February 20, 2012
Evaluating the Call
This may not resinate with the bulk of my followers, but those that believe in God's active involvement in our lives will relate. God calls us to link with His purposes. I believe that God places a call on the life of every person. I do not believe that sense of call is limited to missionaries and ministers. God calls all of us to do what we were created to do. My belief is this call opens up more and more and therefore needs to be evaluated from time to time. It is important for us to ask ourselves honest questions. Should I still be doing what I'm doing the way that I am doing it? Am I in the right place to accomplish the purpose God has for me? Are there talents and gifts that I have which are not being used? Am I developing myself so that my potential can be reached? Am I afraid to explore new experiences? The best days we have may still be ahead of us, but if we are not growing, seeking and preparing for those days we will miss many of the waves we could ride. Have a great day refusing to stagnate and choosing to grow!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Be There A While
One of the evangelistic mistakes we make is failing to get permission. This is not about some sort of formal asking and receiving. It's about the normal flow of relationship etiquette. The state of a persons relationship with God is an intimate discussion point. To barge into someone's space and begin talking about heaven and hell is awkward at best and in many cases just plain rude. We need to respect the rules of common sense. If we are just there for a little while genuine concern can develop. If we are willing to take the time to get to know people we earn the unofficial permission to raise spiritual topics. That's why although going door to door, or using canned programs have their place the best way to be effective is by adopting a lifestyle of soul concern. Our coworkers, neighbors, family members and friends are all in need of Jesus. When it comes to strangers we can take a little time to build a bridge first. Folk have been exposed to enough antagonistic religion. Your presence, which reveals a healthy relationship with God, does more than you think. The fruit of the spirit is on display for us when we are not saying a word. Trust the Lord to give a sense of assurance when it's time to speak up. Then telling what the Lord has done for you is the natural place to start. This thing is about persuasion not force. Have a great day letting the presence of God in you work in the relationships you're building.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Self Management
The great need of our times in terms of management execution is the management of self. We have become way too comfortable with the notion that someone else is supposed to rescue us. There are too many of us with the wherewithal to change our conditions for the better sitting and waiting for favors to drop out of the sky. Worse than that is the application of habits that are destructive rather than constructive. Creativity and productivity are gifts that have been bestowed upon us from God. We have along with those incredible gifts a promise from Him to bless the works of our hands. The problem is we have far too many hands that are not doing anything that God can bless. The times we live in are harsh. This is not an attempt to minimize that. In the midst of the conditions before us we can either wish for the better days that may never return, or we can roll up our sleeves and do something. Renewal, growth, discipline and persistence are not just words that we admire from afar. The application of these ideals will make it happen for us if we manage to consistently apply them from day to day. We can't afford to wait for something to happen. We need to make something happen. The opportunity is out there if we are willing to go get it. Have a great day going after yours!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Full Grown
There is not an equal understanding between the concepts of freedom and responsibility these days. When we were growing up we wanted freedom, but we knew in crystal clear terms that being free meant the ability to handle our own affairs. Being free meant dealing with rent, car payment, utility bills, buying food and carrying the weight of what ever it took to live. In some strange twist of all that makes the slightest bit of common sense now folk want freedom and expect others be responsible for them at the same time. People want to free without a job. People want to do what they want without facing any consequences. Mature freedom is not an escape from, but a charge toward responsible behavior. Good decision making, personal diligence, handling business and being the best person possible is the way to maximize freedom. Stepping up to full, grown adult life means reaching the potential that God has laid before us. Stop looking for others to pay the price for your freedom. Have a great day bearing the consequences of each choice you make!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Short Tribute
Whitney Houston amazed us with a vocal clarity and range that had to be a gift from God. She was led to the stage while still in her youth and she was so talented that she did not disappoint. She was a rare combination of amazing voice, incredible beauty and the ability to carry herself with grace. In her prime it appeared she was headed for the undisputed label of the greatest voice we had ever heard. There are so many things that probably could be said about her life ending far too soon. A star who's light has gone out. My emotions at this point are appreciation for the way her songs enriched my life and sadness for her family that must find away toward the healing of their broken hearts. May the God of all comfort surround her mother Cissy and her daughter Bobbi Kristina with his love and power. RIP Whitney Elizabeth Houston.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
I've been thinking allot this year about community connections. The simple conclusion I am coming to is if we do what the Bible says connecting is easy. Forming relationships that are respectful without compromising our lifestyles causes connections. We can respect all human beings. We can be friendly without getting involved with ungodly behavior. Then meeting basic needs, just like Jesus told us to do, causes connections. He said if someone is hungry feed them. If they are naked give them some clothes. If they are cold help them get warm. I don't know how we have made things so complicated. Simple, practical love and respect will cause genuine connections to take place. When the connection is there the gospel has a bridge that it can travel across. Connecting can never come from an "us against them" kind of mindset. Connecting is us for us. We were all lost. God does not want any of us to perish. If that is God's goal it needs to be ours too. There are potential Christian brothers and sisters around us everywhere. Have a great day making some connections!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Tight Rope Walking
If you are involved in a scenario where people have to work together you have probably seen the difficult balance there is between continuity and change. You never want to do something that is going to totally disrupt the smooth, steady flow of life in your organization. Yet, sometimes there is a part of that steady flow that is killing a segment of the group. That is where the tight rope walk begins. You know that suggesting change is always a tough proposition. You know that implementing change for the benefit of part of the organization will bring tension in other parts. You also know that the failure to do something other than that which is already being done will cause the ineffective segment to continue in it's downward spiral. It is necessary to act but the action must be taken with care. Reckless innovation will cause more problems than it solves. Watching failure continue from a paralyzed position does not help either. When you know something else needs to be done, select the right alternative and then apply it with great care. Have a great day making sure you keep your balance!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
New Verses Old
Obviously, a big part of being made a new creature is living a new life. I don't know why anyone would want to continue being bound by old stuff when newness has been provided for us. We have to train ourselves to live by the new power source of the Holy Spirit. We have been so accustomed to forcing our way along in the energy of the flesh. We have to feed ourselves with the new information that is found in God's word. It's so easy to continue living by CNN, the opinions of friends and other information that's a part of the old system. Then, one of the hardest things for people to do is to become surrounded with new relationships. Old friends that are familiar with old patterns and want you to be your old self cause many down falls. The healthiest relationships for the new creature are other new creatures. The accountability and encouragement that come from the people of God are essential to the new life. To experience newness means using new tools. Once walking through the gate we must walk the narrow way. The new life is found on the new path. Have a great day with the Spirit of God, the word of God and the people of God.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Don't Miss The Transfer
It is an absolute fact that younger people are having fewer children. It is just as true that older people are living much longer than ever before. We have an ever increasing senior population and I don't know if we are seizing all the opportunities that presents. Our senior adults have something that is extremely valuable. They have life experience. They have been where we are going. They can tell us many things that will prevent us from learning lessons the hard way. The things that we are just now finding out are patterns, they have seen cycled through several times. It is just wise to spend time around seniors and open up our ears to listen to what they have to share. There is nothing new under the sun. That means the saying "been there done that" does have some weight. Why bump your head against a wall when there are people in your life that have seen that wall before and can tell you how to work around it? Have a great day listening at the feet of an elder!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
It seems one of the more difficult things to do is to recognize a significant shift and then make moves based upon that reality. The housing debacle would not have been nearly as severe as it was had the responsible parties made adjustments earlier. People just could not seem to accept the idea that real estate which had been appreciating for so many years was now depreciating. We have been losing young people in our churches for many years. That is another reality that many are not accepting very well. If our mindset continues to be just make them come, we will see an entire generation disappear. The style and pace of a worship service is not sacred and can be changed to be more youth friendly. The battles that no longer matter, like how a person is dressed, can be dropped. More importantly, the genuine power and love of God can be felt. There is nothing more important than showing our youth that God is real in the daily affairs of life. We can't ignore the facts that an adjustment is needed in many of our churches. We can't expect things to get better if we don't do things better. Finally, we can't fake it. Young people tend to be painfully honest. We need to fast and pray until a genuine move of God impacts our gatherings. Have a great day making the necessary adjustments in your world!
Monday, January 30, 2012
It will eventually come down to performance. What you have learned and the manner in which you have learned it are important, but the dean's list is not going to keep you on somebody's job. Recognitions from the past are nice, but they will not carry you beyond where you are. A good reputation is an ally, but it will only keep people off your back temporarily. There will come a time where you and I must prove we can get it done consistently. Life has been studied, but life is more than a science. Life has been observed and appreciated, but it's greater than art. Even if the question is not asked out loud there are people around us that want to know how we will perform to make their lives better. They are not really even all that interested in what we have done. Folk want to know if we can make it happen now. Performance will ultimately exceed credentials. Bill Gates has shown us that. Performance is also superior to our history. Just look at all the hullabaloo surrounding Peyton Manning. We may not be on a stage like those gentlemen, but we can be sure we are being evaluated based on what we can do. Excellence is the name of the game. Have a great day doing your very best because people are watching.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Virtuous Conduct
At some point virtue needs to be ingrained in our everyday lives. Virtuous thought and speech are good, but they fall short if they don't lead to a virtuous lifestyle. A commitment to one woman by a man and one man by a woman through marriage is still the standard God has set. Floating around like a butterfly from flower to flower may be popular, but it's not virtuous. Men with men and women with women may be politically correct, but it's not right. Living first as good examples before our children is still a ton more valuable than telling them what they should be doing. They will get much more from seeing good conduct than from hearing about it. Then, right is right and wrong is wrong. Virtue does not adjust standards based upon the situation we are in, or the people we are dealing with. Virtuous conduct means doing the right thing for the right reasons. Where we go, what we handle, how we treat one another, what we aspire to are all a part of our everyday world and these things should be done right. Temptations to do wrong are always going to come, but we don't have to yield to temptation. It is almost certain that we will face a fork in the road where one choice is to do right and the other to do wrong. Have a great day walking the path that is right!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Knowledge Virtue
I'm sure most of you are aware of the fact we are in a knowledge based age. It was once said lightly that "knowledge is power." That is far from a fluffy statement now. Without the right information everything we do can quickly become obsolete. Life long learning and continuous learning are essential in these times. What we need be careful about is how we morally use information. We can't just take the things we learn and selfishly twist them for our own advantages. There is a purity in the way information can be applied. If we just do the opposite of modern politics we will come pretty close to hitting the target. Have you seen how similar statistics can be utilized by opposers in political races? Views and counter views can be so far apart that it's hard to know what to believe. The reason for this cloud is a motive to win at any cost. That is far from virtuous. We have to be better than that. We need to gain information in a wide variety of areas. We especially need to be stretching ourselves in whatever specialty we practice. Staying mentally fresh is important. Then we must strive to be the best that we can be without manipulating others. Have a great day learning and then using the knowledge for good!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Virtuous Speech
When it comes to virtue we need places that we can check on ourselves. Speech is as good a place to start as any. The Bible says our speech should be with grace seasoned with salt. It's obvious that most of what we hear does not fit into either of those categories. The question then becomes what is the contribution you and I are making with our words? If we use profanity at all, we are making the wrong contribution. Harsh, critical, judgmental commentary is also the opposite of grace speech. Salt is a preservative so if our speech destroys rather than protects we have work to do. Gossip, slander and rumor repeating do not preserve anything worthwhile. Words are powerful. We need to talk in ways that are clean, gracious, and encouraging. It's just as easy to use phrases like "I love you, that was a good job, you look very nice today, and I'm glad you're in my life" as it is to rip someone apart. Have a great day carefully using your power of speech!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Private Virtue, Where Are You?
These dangerous days of ours demonstrate we are consumed with the stage to the neglect of personal conduct. Politicians that have proven themselves scoundrels can still climb to the top. Sports figures do amazing things in competition only to have home lives that are train wrecks. There is "mega" success with many churches only to find leaders that have horrific private lives. It's hard to figure out how we got here, but it's a real bad spot to be in. We have the whole thing backwards. We have to find a way to reverse how we see things. Managing our private lives is far more important than how we perform somewhere. Self control is still a valuable component in life. The way we live in the dark is just as crucial as what we do on our stage, whatever our stage may be. The path we tread when nobody is looking means more than how the public perceives us. Doing the right thing behind closed doors is important. It seems we have actually arrived at the place where we believe in selecting talent over character every time. What a terrible legacy to leave for our children. If it is by no other means than one by one we must restore the importance of personal virtue. Have a great day doing the right thing when nobody's looking!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Are You Listening?
Listening to God can be every bit as powerful as speaking to Him. In Elijah's deep depression he heard a still, small voice that changed everything. When the threat of annihilation from the armies of Egypt came against Moses and the people, the Lord said stand still and see the salvation of the Lord who is with you. When it was time for Samuel to begin to fulfill his mission, he heard the voice of God calling him by name and his response was speak Lord your servant is listening. In the ministry of Jesus he said whatever I hear the Father speak that's what I say. We are pretty good at pulling out our list of requests and telling God what we feel we need. We have every right to do that, but are we taking advantage of the other side of prayer? Prayer is after all at it's most basic level a simple conversation with God. A big part of conversation is listening. Who would have more insight into what we need to hear than God? We know that the ears of the Lord are always open to hear us. The question is are our ears open to hear from Him? Have a great day listening for I can assure you the Lord is speaking.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
One of my heroes in the Bible is the Syrophonecian woman. She impresses me deeply because of her tenacity. She was willing to go through what ever she had to in order to get her request answered. She pressed her way through silence. We know that Jesus is too loving to ever be mean, but she pressed her way through what could have easily been perceived as an insult. She even pressed her way through the idea that she was not qualified for the blessing she was seeking. What does that tell us? Once again we are faced with the very real spiritual truth that things just don't always come quickly. We have to press our way into many of the blessings we seek. What do we do when we are faced with a silent heaven? She kept pressing! What do we do when we feel like heaven has been mean to us? She didn't allow that to stop her. What do we do when we are believing that others may qualify for the blessing, but not us? She continued to stay in the presence of the Christ that could help her. The bottom line is she got from the Lord what she needed. The lesson for us is we can too. Have a great day continuing to press for your breakthrough!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Thank You Dr. King

This summer my wife and I had the privilege of going to the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Cultural Center in Atlanta. Even though he has been gone for so many years it was still a jarring experience. I can't even begin to describe the feeling that overcame me as we sat in the Ebenezer Baptist Church. Looking at the pulpit where he would speak heart stirring messages to parishioners made a huge impact. Looking at the videos of a life given in service to mankind filled me with thank you thoughts. The eternal flame and fountains that mark his final resting place made it easier to remember his great sacrifice to try and bring peace to a fractured nation. I really don't want to speculate about how large his contribution was, what this nation would have been like without his life and influence, or whether or not he was as great a man as we in the black community believe. All I want to do in this writing is feel a personal sense of gratitude for what his life and work means to me. Thank you Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for the powerful impression you made on me, the nation and the world.
Friday, January 13, 2012
If we would only give to others the same consideration we want for ourselves, at least our little slice of the world would be nicer. We would like to think we know ourselves and our judgements toward others are in concert with that self knowledge. The truth is we are far more merciful to ourselves than to others. We ignore, or at least try to ignore, how unworthy we really are. We try to silence our deep desire to love and be loved. We say "they" are so needy. We know down deep we are capable of much more evil then we have committed. Yet, we say how could "they" do such a thing? We don't take into account the advantages we have had that others did not have. We just shake our heads at "them." In short we are quick to slam others when we would look for mercy if guilty of the same offences. We know the verse well, we just don't always act like it. "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) Have a great day living by God's mercy and extending mercy to those you meet!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Applying our History
We really are a people that are traveling through life. It is absurd to think that everything we face on the road will be brand new. There are going to be many situations that pop up over and over again. We may have a strong distaste for ruts and patterns but we will see them none the less. To win from the information in this minute we need to become masters of applying what we have learned. We can't get so caught up in yearning for the new that we make the same mistakes when we are faced with the recurring patterns in our lives. If I got a rash on my neck from rubbing against a bush cutting my grass, I'm gonna avoid my neck touching that bush when I cut it next week. If I smash my chin into an open drawer walking in the dark, I'm gonna turn on the light the next time. Are we gaining anything from the stuff that we see again and again? If we are not, the traps that we have fallen into before will snare us again. It's not always circumstances that are obsolete. Sometimes it's our approach that needs to be freshened based on experience. Have a great day applying what you have already learned.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Don't Fool Yourself
Many may try to hide the truth from conscience, but it doesn't make it any less true. The reality of good and evil, God and Satan, the kingdoms of this world and the kingdom of our Lord do exist. We can live with an understanding that there will be some accountability; or we can live as if nothing really matters but what we want. Putting blinders over our minds does not make God and good disappear. Living with careless abandon does not make Satan any less evil, or destructive. The goodness of a loving God is always available for us to live in. The evil plots of killing and stealing are always being aimed at mankind from the adversary. These are just spiritual facts. There are very clear lines that have been drawn and we have the freedom to do whatever we will with this truth. The Bible simply states it like this in John 10:10. "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." Have a great day, but don't fool yourself!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Starting Fresh & Staying Fresh
We have both feet planted now in the New Year. No doubt there have been many thoughts of doing things in a fresh way. I want to encourage you to hang on to that type of thinking. Don't allow a few days, which will soon turn into a few weeks, steal that fresh zeal to make a strong change. If you have re-evaluated how you have been spending your time, stick to your plan of change. If you have thought about taking better care of your health and fitness, don't let the fact that some sort of miraculous difference is not already evident make you forsake those goals. If you are dedicating yourself to spiritual growth, stay with it. Get the vision of your future self firmly entrenched in your mind. Make it your mission to see that new self develop step by step. Keep adjusting your activities so that daily action lines up with what you need to happen. We are so spoiled in this day and age with speed. We want everything to occur instantaneously and that is just not how life works. Don't forget the strong lesson from the turtle and the rabbit engaging in contest. Slow and steady wins the race. Have a great day sticking with it!
Monday, January 9, 2012
It's Over
I suppose I'm about as big a Steeler fan as anybody I know. I watched the game yesterday with my "Terrible Towel" in hand. My belief was we would find a way to win somehow. Even though the team was decimated with injuries I thought we would find a way. I went crazy when we tied the score on a great pass by a banged up Roethlisberger. I felt like we were in position to close the game out in regulation with a last second field goal, before the sack occurred. The truth is Denver made the plays that had to be made to win a game like that. I'm rehashing this for a reason. Many fans of games and teams have a hard time accepting a big loss. Worrying and wondering what would have been if folk were healthy is not productive. Getting down on what has been a great coach for playing Ben trying to get home field and a bye prior to this game is not productive. Ripping our own guys that were out there short handed and played their hearts out is not productive. Not giving credit to a Bronco squad that took advantage of their opportunity is not productive. Just being mad in general because we lost is not productive. About the best thing we can do is take a deep breath and just admit to ourselves it's over. There are allot of things in life that are just like that game. They are not really earth shattering, life changing events, but we make them that way. They don't have to destroy the balance of our lives for weeks unless we allow that to happen. There really are "more fish to fry." Whether it's the woes of your favorite team, or some other mishap that has happened, don't let it ruin what you have before you now. Have a great day knowing that when it's over it's over!
Friday, January 6, 2012
God Can Be Found 4
One of the most beautiful places to locate God is in people. We were made in the image of God and after His likeness. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost. To put it in the unusual terms of the Apostle Paul, "we have this treasure in earthen vessels." The presence of God in us is like fine jewels in a clay pot. The beauty of that comes across in two ways. We should not be overly impressed with the vessel, but the treasure is the one point. The second point, that I believe is relevant in today's minute, is that Christians are containers that carry God everywhere we go. We so often underestimate or just plain forget that God is inside of us. He wants to do Godlike things through us to touch others. He wants to do Godlike things through others to touch us. God seems to enjoy seeing His power flow from life to life. He loves watching His joy go from one heart to another. Have a great day enjoying the presence of God in people!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
God Can Be Found 3
Do you remember as a child racing your matchbox or hot wheels cars across the floor? You could then have them drive up a wall, fly over to the table and then jump off the table back onto the floor. We believed anything was possible. Do you remember your children when small jumping off the steps into your arms? They never even considered the possibility that you would, or could drop them. My friends that is faith and trust. God can be found in our ability to believe that anything is possible. God can be found in our trusting Him to the degree that we will dive off of our circumstances right into His arms of love. When we are feeling like we cannot find Him we must go back to the fundamental verses we have memorized from long ago. Verses like Proverbs 3:5,6 "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Have a great day amping up your ability to believe Him and trust Him!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
God Can Be Found 2
Another location that God can clearly be discerned is nature. The mighty mountains, the rolling ocean, the beauty of the sky, the sun, moon and stars are just a few of the items of evidence pointing to an intelligent designer. The God that made the sun can light up your way even through circumstantial darkness. The God that made the mountains can teach you how to navigate yours. The God that tells the ocean where to stop knows the limits of your trials. The God that provides for squirrels and birds will provide for you. When you just peek at your surroundings be reminded that the mighty God that made all of that cares about you. Have a great day relying on your Creator!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
God Can Be Found
One of the big questions in times like ours that are harsh and hard is where is God in all this? I want to encourage believers especially in the simple truth that God is often found in our words. Many people are bruised and broken. Others are frustrated and confused. We who know what it is to have a relationship with God hold the answer these seekers are looking for. It is in the very basic concept of speech that the Lord is often found. We need to tell others about our God experiences. I'm not talking about becoming rude and obnoxious. I'm not even talking about being super religious. It is all about easily discussing the love and power of God we have found in every day conversation. We can talk so easily about the weather, sports, family life, food and so many other subjects. The wondrous works of God should flow off our tongues just as easily. We haven't a clue as to how many people need to hear what we can share. It can literally change somebody's life. Have a great day talking about what our Lord has done for you!
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