Friday, November 19, 2010

We Are All Building

The choice that we have is not will we build, or refuse to build. We are building our lives every day. We are building our personal fitness. Either it's on fruits and vegetables, or we build it on ribs and potato chips. We are building our satisfaction. We can opt for fun outside of the will of God, or we can do the many things within God's will for pleasure. We are building our vocational lives. We can make our work primary and neglect other areas, or we can keep it in a proper perspective and still be excellent in it. We are building our families. We can model our home dynamics after the 'me first" ideal that is so prevalent in the world; or we can place the needs of our loved ones first as Jesus did. In fact that is really the whole point of this entry. When we build on anything else but what Christ demonstrated through precept and practice, the thing that we build will collapse. Building our lives on solid rock means we find out what Jesus says and then do it. Work it out!

Based on Matthew 7:24-27