Monday, February 17, 2014

Honoring our Presidents

On this President's Day I want to pause and honor all of our presidents especially our sitting president Barack Obama. I am a preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ and I don't agree with every policy our president espouses. For that matter I have never seen a president that hits every policy just right according to any one's opinion. However, there are many things about this president that I like. I deeply admire the grace and dignity with which he carries himself under constant criticism. I like the devotion that he has to his family. I like the compassion that he has shown toward the common man. I appreciate the way he has prepared himself educationally and experientially for the post that he now holds. As an African American man, I love the image that he portrays and the strong example of manhood he has demonstrated. In my view he has served us well. I couldn't be by myself or he wouldn't be serving a second term. I believe many of the critics of this president are going to be embarrassed by the way history evaluates his administration. Whether I am right about that or not only time will tell. For now I exercise my right as an American citizen to honor every president that has served us and to say God bless President Barack Obama. May His grace guide you contiually!