Monday, January 27, 2014

The Benefits of Fasting

The Bible makes it pretty clear that one of the disciplines we should practice as Christians is fasting. In these modern times dominated by the mentality of consumerism, the idea of fasting has lost much of it's grip. I just want to remind those who pay attention to the things I say that there are great benefits to fasting. One of the immediate benefits that comes to mind is it's an exercise in obedience. Some things in life we just ought to do because the Lord said we should. Those of us that were raised "old school" know our parents didn't always provide an explanation to us. However, we new it was best to follow simply because they were the authority and we were not. The Bible also teaches us that we don't always get the spiritual results we are looking for because of our unbelief. When "The 12"sought to provide deliverance and a cure to the epileptic child, they couldn't do it. After Jesus provided immediate relief to the victim of this disease they asked Him why they were unsuccessful. Jesus said it was because of their unbelief. In that same passage the cure he prescribes for their unbelief is fasting. We are plagued by unbelief more than we think we are. Fasting then is a necessary discipline to help us overcome unbelief. A final thought for today is faith by nature reaches for the unseen. Without fasting we are occupied, tied to, and in some cases enslaved by the world of the seen. Our lives are primarily dominated by our senses. Fasting denies us of the things our senses crave. This practice of self denial strengthens our ability to perceive the unseen. The flesh and the spirit are at odds with each other. It's not just competition. It's hostility. We have to show the flesh from time to time we will not let it dominate us if we want our spiritual ability to be strong.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Pearl of Great Price

If the Kingdom of God known as "the pearl of great price" is so wonderful it is worth sacrificing all we have to gain it, it is certainly worthy of treasuring after we have it. There is so much value at our disposal in the Kingdom of God. It's a wonder that we spend so much time chasing the things of the world when God has given us so much. It seems to me that the same principle that determines true value to gain a thing would carry on for as long as we live with the thing. When an earthly treasure is found people go through all kinds of changes trying to protect and preserve it. The value of the treasure is appraised on a regular basis. Alarms and sophisticated locks are provided to keep it safe. Everyone who is known by the owner is usually familiar with the joy the owner holds for the treasure possessed. Experts study the piece to learn more and more about it. Since what we have is more valuable than any earthly treasure, doesn't it make sense for us to extend ourselves to learn everything we can about it? Shouldn't we be happier than the possessors of earthly riches? Shouldn't we do all that is in our power to protect and preserve our relationship with it? The Kingdom of God is more precious than anything the kingdoms of this world can offer us. Let's be sure we truly understand that. Let's be sure we are acting on that. Have a great day!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Stick With It!

Hebrews 10:36  For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised. There is one side of our walk that makes it important to let things go. Bitterness, self condemnation, hatred, and the failure to forgive would be a few things that fall in that category. On the other hand there are things that we need to hold onto tightly with a determination to persevere. Doing the right thing in this upside down world never needs to be abandoned. Allowing the love of God to flow through our lives to others will never go out of style. Staying the course to accomplish worthwhile goals is always important. Overcoming the difficulties that tend to rise and get in the way of progress will always be necessary. Life is not as complicated as we claim. Trusting everything to God and doing what He says is all it takes. He has the plan and we follow the plan. When we follow as He leads even when it doesn't seem like things are working, we win. When we go with the crowd or choose convenience over obedience even if it seems like things are going wonderfully well, we lose. Life with a long range focus woks best when we walk with God enjoying the good times and enduring the down seasons. WORK IT OUT!