Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Closing Accounts

I recently changed to a new credit card and one of the biggest things on my mind was closing out the account I had. I wasn't happy with the way my former account holders were taking my business for granted so I felt the need for a new relationship with a new company. What I didn't want however was two accounts serving the same purpose open at the same time. I wanted to close out the old account properly.

As we sit on New Year's Eve considering the prospects of a brand new start I wonder if we are considering old accounts that need to be closed. It's easy to get pumped up and amped up about something new, but the new will be hindered if unfinished business is attached to it. Here are some questions to ask that may be helpful. Who have I offended that I need to say I'm sorry to? Who am I holding a silent grudge against that I have never confronted with the issue that offended me? What boundaries do I need to establish, or re-establish that will keep poor information from freely entering my mental space? What time wasters do I need to eliminate from my routine? What are the bad habits that I need to stop? Naturally, this line of self questioning could be longer. We can address anything that is an unhealthy loose end.

A new start is a wonderful thing. I'm glad the Lord has set things up so that we can re-evaluate and work again at getting things right. However, if we don't close out the old our new will be contaminated by the same things that hurt us previously. Don't be afraid to close out some accounts!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Preferred Future

How do we move into a future that is full of the love and goodness of God? In my view it is simpler than we might think. Everyone that is born under the sun has been created by our heavenly Father to be significant. When we treat each person we encounter like they matter than we are operating in harmony with the kind of future God would approve. I don't know why we focus so much on the negative qualities that have marred us. People are so valuable that the Lord laid down His life on a horrible cross of suffering. He did that to repair the marring effects of sin and shame. He did that to restore us to our intended place of significance.

The other deep need we can cooperate with God to meet is that desire we all have to belong. When we simply accept people as they are and love them where they are we become a part of meeting that desire. The community of faith that functions as it should is a healing community. We don't represent heaven well when we divide and discriminate ourselves from each other. The language and activity of hate is not befitting the spirit of the Master we say we love. We are more alike than we want to admit. We were born sinners. The sin we commit might be different but all sin violates the holiness of God. Therefore we are all guilty before Him. We all need mercy. If we received what we deserved we would all be doomed. We can only be rescued by God's grace. The marvelous plan of redemption can be enjoyed by every person that says yes to His plan.

We may all be accepted in a community that really understands the universal power of redemption to everyone willing to receive it. We can all be significant when the grace of God brings us to the purpose of God for our lives through the powerful work of Jesus Christ the Lord. I want to do everything I can to be involved in a future that looks like that.